Obožujem svečke. Trenutno uporabljam svoje svečke s sojinim voskom, ki omamno dišijo po citrusih (citruse preprosto obožujem). Ker danes praznujem rojstni dan sem se odločila za preprosto in hitro dekoracijo. Svečka iz pomarančnega olupka in olivnega olja. Sliši se malo nemogoče vendar zadeva dejansko funkcionira. Svečka izgleda res fenomenalno. Kako pa jo naredimo?
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Zgornja svečka iz olivnega olja, spodnja z dodatkom čebeljega voska |
1. Po olupku pomaranče naredimo z nožem lep krog (pazimo, da gremo z nožem le do užitnega dela.
2. Z žlico previdno izdolbemo užitni del ven do spodnjega belega dela. Paziti moramo, da nam ta del ostane na pomarančnem olupku, saj ga bomo uporabili za stenj svečke. Dobimo dve polovički.
3. Čez stenj in v olupek prelijemo olivno olje. Pazimo, da del stenja ostane zunaj olja, da ga lahko prižgemo.
4.Površina mora biti stabilna. Najbolje je, da svečko položite v posodo z vodo, da lepo plava po površini. Tako sem naredila jaz.
Drugi način pa lahko naredite v primeru, če se vam bel olupek, ki ga imate za stenj odtrga. Nič zato. Jaz sem imela podobno težavo, ki sem jo rešila s pomočjo kupljenega stenja in s čebeljim voskom (čebelji vosek sem uporabila zato, da je sama svečka bolj kompaktna).
1. Na dno olupka pritrdite stenj.
2. V posodi segrejte vosek in olivno olje, da se vosek zmehča.
3. Prelijte v olupek in počakajte, da se strdi.
Plus točka takšne sveče je, da je res hitro narejena poleg tega pa ne pušča sajastega dima. Dodate lahko poljubno eterično olje, da svečka še dodatno odišavi prostor.
Aja, pa še pojeste lahko glavni del pomaranče :)
Aja, pa še pojeste lahko glavni del pomaranče :)
I love candles. Currently I use my candle with soy wax with smell of citrus (I simply adore citrus fruits). Today I celebrate my birthday so I decided to make a quickly and easily decoration. Candles from orange rind and olive oil. It sounds impossible but it actually works. Candles looks really awesome. How do we make them?
1. Make a circle across the orange with a knife (take care to go with a knife only to the edible part of orange).
2. Carefully scoop with a spoon the edible part out to the lower white part of orange. Be careful that you left this part of the orange on the rind because it will be used as a wick for the candle. We get two halves.
3. Pour olive oil on the wick and in the orange rind. Take care that one small part of the wick stays out of oil so you can light up the candle.
4.Area must be stable. It is the best to place the candle in a container with water to swim on the surface. So I made myself.
Another way how to make an orange candle is the way when you tear off the white part for the wick. No problem. I had a similar problem whitch I solved with the help of purchased wick and bees wax (I used bees wax so the candle is more compact).
1. Attack the wick at the bottom of orange rind.
2. Heat the wax and olive oil so the wax becomes liquid.
3. Pour in the orange rind and let it harden.
Plus point of this candles is their quickly making and they do not leave sooty smoke. You can add any essential oil for scent the candle to fragrance the room.
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