V teh mesecih sem ustvarjala kar nekaj izdelkov. Izdelala sem tudi svoje lastno milo. Začela sem s preprosto tehniko topljenja in vlivanja, ki sem ga predstavila v eni izmed prejšnjih objav (http://vesnaturalicious.blogspot.com/2015/01/melt-soap-milo-po-postopku-vlivanja.html). Moja nadgradnja pa je čisto svoje milo narejeno po hladnem postopku s pomočjo olj, masel in natrijevega hidroksida. Veliko ljudi me sprašuje, kako je lahko milo naravno, če pa je na natrijevem hidroksidu znak za jedkost in nikakor ne sme priti v stik s kožo. Ko ga uporabljamo samega ali z vodo je res zelo strupen, saj lahko povzroči hude opekline kože. Ko pa dodamo maščobe začne teči reakcija, kateri se reče SAPONIFIKACIJA. Saponifikacija je hidroliza maščob v prisotnosti alkalij pri čemer nastanejo soli maščobnih kislin (mila) in glicerol (Wikipedija). Torej ob stiku natrijevega klorida in maščob nastane milo in glicerol.
Pri izdelavi mila je potrebno biti izredno previden. Dobro je, da uporabimo zaščitne rokavice, kakšna zaščitna očala in zaščitna oblačila. Pri posodi bodite pozorni, da ne uporabljate takšne, ki lahko rjavi. Jaz uporabljam steklene posode. Moja prva mila so bila sivkina in ognjičeva. Za izdelavo mila sem uporabila recept iz sledečega linka http://mojpogled.net/naravni-kozmeticni-pripravki-sivkino-milo/. Sestavine so sledeče:
- 175 g hladne destilirane vode
- 68,7 g natrijevega hidroksida
- 400 g olivnega olja
- 100 g kokosovega olja
- 10 ml eteričnega olja
Začnemo z merjenjem destilirane vode in natrijevega hidroksida. V destilirano vodo damo previdno natrijev hidroksid. Najbolje je, da ta korak naredimo zunaj, saj ne smemo vdihovati hlapov. V tem koraku je POMEMBNO, DA DAMO NATRIJEV HIDROKSID V VODO IN NE OBRATNO, SAJ LAHKO PRIDE DO EKSPLOZIJE. Ko dodamo natrijev hidroksid v vodo temperatura močno naraste (tudi do 90 stopinj). Mešanico zmešamo s kuhalnico in počakamo, da se natrijev hidroksid lepo raztopi ter temperatura pade na 40 stopinj.
Medtem pripravimo masla in olja. Ker uporabim kokosovo maslo, ga je potrebno malo segreti, da se utekočini. Pri izdelavi mila si lahko pomagate z milnim kalkulatorjem (dostopen na http://soapcalc.net/calc/soapcalcwp.asp). Vzamemo veliko stekleno posodo, saj bomo k maščobam dodali raztopino natrijevega hidroksida in vode ter v isti posodi tudi mešali. Ko pade temperatura natrijevega hidroksida in vode na okoli 40 stopinj (uporabljam stekleno posodo in tako po občutku določim, kdaj je prava temperatura. Ko lahko prosto držim stekleno posodo v roki ne da bi mi bilo prevroče jo lahko dam v maščobe. Lahko pa si pomagamo s termometrom za živila, ki bo natančno prikazal temperaturo). Tudi pri mešanju obeh sestavin bodite pozorni, da dodajate raztopino natrijevega hidroksida v maščobe in ne obratno. Dodajajte počasi in mešajte previdno s kuhalnico. Nadaljujete lahko z mešanjem s kuhalnico ali s paličnim mešalnikom. Priporočam, da uporabite slednjega, saj bo izdelava hitrejša.
Mešamo toliko časa, da se naredi sled ali trak. To je točka pri izdelavi mila, ko se zmes dovolj zgosti, da jo lahko damo v kalup. Kdaj pride do te točke pa ugotovimo, ko na površino novega mila kanemo nekaj kapljic in le-te ostanejo na površini nekaj časa. V tej fazi lahko dodamo še različna barvila, eterična olja in cvetove ter vlijemo v kalup.
Če imate trd kalup je dobro, da ga pred uporabo dobro zaščitite. Zaščitite ga lahko s peki papirjem. Drugače je, če uporabljate silikonske kalupe pri katerih lahko maso samo vlijete. V kalup vlijte maso ter po želji okrasite še površino mila. Lahko dodate suhe cvetove ali druge dodatke ter vse skupaj prekrijete z novo plastjo peki papirja. Celotni kalup zavijemo v odeje in brisače ter ga pustimo na sobni temperaturi kakšen dan ali dva.
Po tem času, ko se masa nekoliko strdi, ga razrežemo na želene dele saj se bo samo v tej fazi lepo rezal (kasneje bo za to pretrd). Damo ga na rešetko in na sobni temperaturi pustimo kakšen mesec, da milo zori. V tem času milo postane kompaktno in posledično je njegov rok uporabe daljši. Prav tako izpari iz njega voda. Po tem času jih zavijemo v papir ali folijo, da se milo ne razdiši preveč.
Mila so tako primerna za uporabo. :)
In these months I have created many products. I also produced my own soap. I started with a simple technique of melting and casting which I presented in one of my previous posts (http://vesnaturalicious.blogspot.com/2015/01/melt-soap-milo-po-postopku-vlivanja.html). My upgrade is soap made with cold process using oils, butters and sodium hydroxide. A lot of people ask me how can be soap like this natural which is made from sodium hydroxide and has a sign of corrosion and should not come into contact with the skin. When it is used with water is very toxic and can cause skin burns. When we add the fat starts to run the reaction which is called saponification. Saponification is the hydrolysis of the fats in the presence of alkalines to form the fatty acid salts (soap) and glycerol (Wikipedia). Therefore the contact of sodium chloride and fats give the result of soap and glycerol.
In the process of soap making you have to be extremely careful. It is good to use protective gloves, glasses and protective clothing. Make sure that you use containers which not rust. I use glass containers. My first soap was lavender and calendula soap. For soap making I use a recipe from the following link http://mojpogled.net/naravni-kozmeticni-pripravki-sivkino-milo/. The ingredients are:
- 175g cold distilled water
- 68.7g sodium hydroxide
- 400g olive oil
- 100g coconut oil
- 10ml essential oil
- 68.7g sodium hydroxide
- 400g olive oil
- 100g coconut oil
- 10ml essential oil
We start with measuring distilled water and sodium hydroxide. We give sodium hydrokside carefully in distilled water. It is the best to do this step outside because we can not inhale vapors. In this step it is important to give sodium hydroxide in water not the opposite because it can be a risk of an explosion. When we give sodium hydroxide into the water the temperature rises sharply (by up to 90 degrees). Mix the mass with a spoon and allow to dissolve sodium hydroxide and let the temperature drops to 40 degrees.
Meanwhile prepare butter and oil. Because I use coconut butter it is necessary to heat him to liquefy. When you make soap you can use soapy calculator (available on http://soapcalc.net/calc/soapcalcwp.asp). Take a large glass container for fats because you give to the same container sodium hydroxide and water in the next step. When the temperature of sodium hydroxide and water cool down at about 40 degrees you can give it in fat (you can use a glass container so if you can hold the container with hands it is not so hot anymore). You can also help with a thermometer for food that will accurately display the temperature of the liquid . Even when mixing the two components make sure that you add the sodium hydroxide solution in fat and not in the opposite. Add slowly and mix gently with a spoon. You may continue stirring with a spoon or with a stick blender. I recommend that you use the blender because the production is faster.
Mix until it makes a trace or strip. This is the point in the soap making when the mixture thicken enough to give it into the mold. We got this point when we drip few drops on the surface and they stay there for some time. At this stage we can add various dyes, essential oils, and flowers and pour into the mold.
If you have a hard mold is a good idea to protect him well before use. You can use baking paper. Otherwise, if you use silicone molds you can just pour the mass. You can add dried flowers or other ingredients and cover it with a new layer of baking paper. Turn the entire mold into blankets and towels and leave it like this a day or two.
After this time the mass harden a little so you can cut the soap to the desired parts (after this time it will be harder). We give it on the grate and left at room temperature for about a month for maturing. During this time the soap becomes compact and its shelf life is longer. It also evaporates water out of it. After this time give them into paper or foil.
Soaps are ready for use. :)
Mix until it makes a trace or strip. This is the point in the soap making when the mixture thicken enough to give it into the mold. We got this point when we drip few drops on the surface and they stay there for some time. At this stage we can add various dyes, essential oils, and flowers and pour into the mold.
If you have a hard mold is a good idea to protect him well before use. You can use baking paper. Otherwise, if you use silicone molds you can just pour the mass. You can add dried flowers or other ingredients and cover it with a new layer of baking paper. Turn the entire mold into blankets and towels and leave it like this a day or two.
After this time the mass harden a little so you can cut the soap to the desired parts (after this time it will be harder). We give it on the grate and left at room temperature for about a month for maturing. During this time the soap becomes compact and its shelf life is longer. It also evaporates water out of it. After this time give them into paper or foil.
Soaps are ready for use. :)
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