sreda, 10. junij 2015

Lipa zelenela je.... (linden tree)

Lipa zelenela je tam v dišečem gaju, s cvetjem me posipala, d'jal sem, da sem v raju. 

Le kdo se ne spomni skodelice lipovega čaja, katerega nam je dala mama ob prehladu ali ob njegovih prvih znakih? Pri nas doma je bil vedno na zalogi. Te dni je torej skrajni čas, da si naredite zaloge za zimo, saj bo pri nas doma že kmalu odcvetel. Če greste v naravo se ozrite naokoli po visokih drevesih. Če bo pod njim še lepo dišalo je to skoraj zagotovo lipa. Zaradi številnih zdravilnih lastnosti mu pravijo tudi drevo življenja. Mi imamo drevo življenja čisto zraven doma, tako da sem nekaj dni nazaj nabrala svojo letošnjo zalogo.

Lipa (Tilia platyphillos) in lipovec (Tilia cordata)

Navadna lipa je veliko drevo, ki zraste tudi več kot 30 metrov. Zanj je značilno, da dočaka več sto let starosti. Ima zelo razvejano krošnjo, pri čemer vejice nosijo ostro napiljene liste, ki so zgoraj živo zeleni spodaj pa modrikasti. Postavljeni so tako, da vsak dobi dovolj sončne svetlobe. Močno in prijetno dišeči cvetovi stojijo v malih cvetnih kobulih na dolgem skupnem peclju, s katerim se do polovice zrašča rumenkast krovni list. Lipa cveti prva, lahko že konec maja, šele nato lipovec pozno v juniju. Razlikujemo ju lahko po tem, da ima lipa malo večje liste od lipovca. Prav tako so listi lipe na obeh straneh zeleni, medtem ko je spodnja stran lipovca nekoliko modrikasta. Lipa ima na enem peclju od 3-5 poganjkov, lipovec pa od pet do deset. 



Lipove cvetove uporabljamo za čaj in različne čajne mešanice. Nabiramo jih skupaj s krovnim listom. Liste moramo posušiti na hitro najbolje v senci na prepihu. Cvetovi vsebujejo flavonoide, glikozide, sluzi, čreslovine, eterično olje, sladkorje, barvila in triterpetski alkohol, ki daje cvetju značilen vonj. 

Cvetovi se uporabljajo v čaju za spodbujanje potenja pri prehladu, gripi, bronhitisu. Je blagi diuretik, tako, da je primeren za ledvične bolnike in tiste, ki jih muči revma in putika. Čaj iz cvetov vsebuje tudi eterično olje, ki pomirja, tako, da je primeren za ljudi z znaki tesnobe, nemira, histerije in posledično za boljši spanec. Z lipovim čajem ne smemo pretiravati, saj spodbuja delovanje srca (kura naj traja največ 7 dni). 

Lipov čaj lahko uporabimo tudi v kozmetiki za umivanje aknaste kože in las, saj tako dobijo večji lesk. 


Lubje nabiramo pozimi oziroma zgodaj spomladi. Nabiramo lubje mladih vej, ki ga uporabimo za pripravo oglja, ki se uporablja za pospeševanje izločanja žolča, za razstrupljanje in odvajanje.

Če strnem na kratko je lipa uporabna:
- pri prehladu, gripi
- pri visoki temperaturi
- spodbuja potenje
- pomirja
- pri težavah z mehurjem
- za pospeševanje izločanja žolča
- za razstrupljanje
- za odvajanje
- pri zvišanem krvnem tlaku
- pri glavobolih


Do you remember mothers cup of linden tea which she gave you by cold or by its first signs? We have this tea at home all the time. These days is the last time to gather some supply for the winter. If you go in the nature take a look around to the highest trees. If the tree has a nice smell is could be a linden tree. It is also caled the tree of life because of its many healing properties. We have a tree of life right next to the home so I gathered a few days ago my supply for this year.

Linden tree (Tilia platyphillos) and  Littleleaf linden (Tilia cordata)

Linden tree is a large tree, which grows more than 30 meters. It is characterized to live to hundreds of years. It has a very extensive branching with a sharp pointed leaves that are bright green above and bluish below it. They are placed so that each of them receives enough sunlight. Strong and pleasant fragrant flowers stand in a small flower umbels on long common stalk, which is halfway confluent yellowish cover sheet. Linden tree blossom at first in the end of May and the littleleaf linden in late June. We can distinguish them that the linden has slightly larger leaves as the littleleaf linden. Linden has leaves on both sides green, while the bottom side of littleleaf linden is slightly bluish. Linden has a single stalk of 3-5 shoots while littleleaf linden has from five to ten.



Linden blossoms are used for tea and various tea mixtures. Gather them together with the main sheet. Take care to dry them quickly preferably in the shade on draft. The blossoms contain flavonoids, glycosides, mucilage, tannins, essential oil, sugars, dyes and tritherpeth alcohol which gives the characteristic smell of plant.

You can use the blossoms in tea to promote perspiration in colds, flu and bronchitis. It´s a mild diuretic so it´s great for kidney patients and those who suffer from rheumatism and gout. Tea from the blossoms also contain an essential oil that soothes, so it´s suitable for people with symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, hysteria and subsequent poor sleep. The linden tea should not be exaggerated because it promotes heart function.

You can also use linden tea in cosmetics for cleaning acne skin and hair because they become more shiny.


Gather bark in winter or early spring. Gather the bark of young branches and use for the preparation of activated carbon. It´s good for the secretion of bile, to detoxify and discharge.

If I summarize good things of the linden it´s useful:
- for colds, flu
- high temperature
- promotes sweating
- soothing
- by the difficulty with bladder
- to promote the secretion of bile
- detoxification
- for the extraction of
- increased blood pressure

- headaches

Kuharske bukve: zdravilna zelišča, čaji in čajne mešanice

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