četrtek, 18. junij 2015

Blueberry biscuit (borovničevo pecivo)

Včeraj in danes sem bila po službi kar pridna (malo se moram pohvaliti :) ), saj sem nabirala borovnice. V večini sem jih dala v skrinjo za peciva in za v smutije, nekaj pa sem jih uporabila pecivo in za v sadno kupo. Zvečer sem naredila biskvitno pecivo za v službo in okusen je tako topel kot hladen. Glede na to, da sem bila zvečer kar utrujena sem se odločila za nekaj na hitro. Sestavine sem samo zmešala med seboj, vlila v pekač in spekla.

 Za testo sem uporabila standard recept:

- 250g moke
- 200g sladkorja
- 4 jajca
- 1 dcl olja
- 1 dcl mleka
- 1 pecilni prašek
- 1 vanilij sladkor

Ko sem sestavine zmešala skupaj sem čisto na koncu dodala še 2 pesti borovnic. Biskvit je pred peko izgledal takole:

Pekla sem po občutku, da je biskvit lepo potemnel nekje okoli 20minut. 

Za konec pa še nekaj slikic iz nabiranja borovnic ;)


I was very hardworking yesterday and today after my work (I have to praise myself a little). I was gathering blueberries. I gave the most of them in the ark for pastries and smoothies. Yesterday evening I made a great blueberry biscuit which is delicious warm or cold. I was very  tired in the evening but I decided to make something quickly for the work next day. You have only to mix the ingredients pour in the baking tray and bake. 

For the dough I used a standard recipe:

- 250g flour
- 200g sugar
- 4 eggs
- 1 dl oil
- 1 dl milk
- 1 baking powder
- 1 vanilla sugar

When the ingredients are mixed well I added 2 handfuls of blueberries. The biscuits looked like in the picture above before baking. 

I baked by the feeling so the cake darkened nicely; somewhere around 20minute.

And in the end a few pictures from the harvesting of blueberries ;)

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