Najlepše stvari se zgodijo, ko jih najmanj pričakuješ. In jih ne planiraš. Tako je bilo tudi z našim kratkim dopustom na Hrvaškem, za katerega smo se odločili zadnji moment. Ker sem bila za vikend prosta s službo smo se v petek odpravili na Krk. Šli smo kampirat v kamp Ježevac za katerega lahko rečem, da je eden boljših (povezavo na kamp najdete tukaj). Kamp je zelo urejen, osebje prijazno, najbolj pomembna pa je njegova bližina do mesta Krk. V mestu Krk sem bila letos prvič in vsekakor bom še šla. Ker imam rada cerkve, gradove in ozke morske ulice mi je bilo posebej pri srcu.
S seboj sem imela tudi prvo pomoč za mojo hidracijo: limone in sveže liste melise in mete. S hladno vodo in njihovim dodatkom sem se takoj počutila boljše pri tako visokih temperaturah.
V kampu me je najbolj presenetil tale zeliščni vrtiček.
The most beautiful things happen when you don´t expect. And you don´t plan it. This weekend we had a short vacation in Croatia, for which we decided last moment. I had a free weekend so we went on Friday to Krk. We were camping in camp Ježevac which is for me one of the best. The campground is very tidy, the staff friendly and the most important is its closeness to the Krk city. I was in he city Krk for the first time and I will definitely go back one day. I love churches and the narrow sea streets so this city was very special for me.
I also have with me a first aid for my hydration: lemon sand fresh leaves of lemon balm and mint. With cold water I felt immediately better at those high temperatures.
In camp I was specially surprised by herb garden (you can see on the pictures above).
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