nedelja, 22. marec 2015

American donuts (ameriški krofi)

Naslov je tule malo ozkega pomena kar pa ne pomeni, da ni recept idealen za navadne krofe. Moja mama naredi najboljše krofe po tem receptu, saj so res puhasti in sočni. Prvi recept, ki sem ga preizkusila za ameriške krofe sem našla na spletu in naredila ravno po receptu zanje in končni rezultat je ja obupni :D Ker pa sem jaz jaz in mi ne da miru sem se odločila ponoviti poizkus po nekaj dnevih in sicer po maminem receptu. Tukaj pa je bila končna slika nekaj povsem drugega.

Ameriški krofi so mi bili zanimivi že od malega, ko sem gledala Simpsonove. Krofi z luknjo so si mi zdeli precej simpatični sploh z različnimi prelivi in mrvicami. V Lidlu so imeli te dni akcijo za domačo peko zato sem si napravila zalogo prelivov za kolače. Krofe sem cvrla v olju, čeprav so v zadnjem času zelo popularni krofi pečeni v pečici. Sama menim, da so to bolj buhteljni kot krofi, saj nikakor niso tako puhasti. Za testo krofov sem uporabila:

- pol kg namenske moke
- 4 rumenjake
- 2 žlici sladkorja
- šilce ruma
- 5 dag kvasa
- 7 dag olja
- 2 dcl mleka
- limonina lupinica
- vanilij sladkor
- sol

Žlico sladkorja in rumenjake penasto vmešamo. Dodamo olje, sol, rum, limonino lupinico in 2dcl toplega mleka. V drugi posodi naj medtem vzhaja kvas, kateremu dodamo deci tople vode in žlico sladkorja. Kvas dodamo moki in ostalim sestavinam ter vse skupaj dobro zgnetemo. Gnetemo lahko na roke ali z mešalnikom. Dlje gnetemo bolj bo testo mehko. Jaz sem gnetla z mešalnikom približno 5 minut. Testo damo vzhajati za pol ure do ene ure. Po tem času razvaljamo testo na približno 2cm na debelo ter z okroglim modelčkom premera okoli 7-8cm naredimo krog, v njem pa z zelo malim modelom še en krog na sredini. Delamo čimbolj skupaj, ter isto ponovimo z ostalim testom. Lahko naredimo tudi kroglice, in jih imamo za navadne krofe. Iz tega testa pride okoli 15 krofov. Krofe pustimo še malo vzhajati.

Medtem zagrejemo olje v katerih bomo cvrli krofe. Pripravimo tudi rešetko, kjer se bodo krofi odtekali. Kdaj je olje dovolj vroče preverimo s kuhalnico tako, da kuhalnico potopimo v olje in če se peni okoli je prava temperatura. Ko položimo krofe v olje mora biti temperatura najmočnejša. Zakrijemo krofe s pokrovko za kakšno minuto ter nato zmanjšamo temperaturo in odstranimo pokrovko. Krofe obrnemo in počakamo, da se lepo obarvajo. Isto ponovimo z ostalimi. 

Ko se krofi odtečejo in ohladijo pa sledi najboljši del: okraševanje. Kot sem omenila sem uporabila prelive iz Lidla in sicer beli led in čokoladni preliv. Pri obeh se vrečkica samo potopi v vročo vodo ali pa segreje v mikrovalovki, da dobimo tekočo kremo in to je to. Moji so bili na koncu malo pisani. Dobila sem kar nekaj pohval, tako, da jih bom vsekakor še naredila :)


The title here has a little narrow meaning which doesn´t mean that this is no perfect recipe for easy donuts. My mom makes the best donuts with this recipe. They are really fluffy and succulent. I found the first recipe for american donuts on the internet, I tried it and the end result was..... oh yes they were terrible :D However, I am like I am so I decided to repeat the experiment after a few days and with mother's recipe. They were completely different.

I´m impressed about american donuts from very early when I watched the Simpsons. I found quite nice the donuts with a hole and coated with various toppings and sprinkles. In Lidl you can buy these days things for home baking so I went for toppings for cakes. I fried donuts in oil although these days are a very popular thing donuts baked in the oven. But I think that they are more as buchteln than donuts because they are not so fluffy. For the dough donuts I used:

- half a kg purpose flour
- 4 egg yolks
- 2 spoons sugar
- a small glass of rum (0,03dl)
- 5 g yeast
- 7 dag oil
- 2 dcl of milk
- lemon zest
- vanilla sugar
- salt

Mix together a spoon of sugar and egg yolks. Add the oil, rum, lemon zest and 2dcl warm milk. Meanwhile mix in another bowl the yeast with little watter and a tablespoon of sugar to rise up. Add the yeast to flour and other ingredients and knead well everything together. You can knead with your hands or with a mixer. The longer you knead the dough more will be the dough soft. I kneaded with a mixer for about 5 minutes. Let the dough rise for half an hour to one hour. After this time roll out the dough to about 2cm and make a circle with a round model of about 7-8cm and then make a second circle in it with a very small model in the middle. Work as closely as possible. Make the same with the rest of the dough. You can also make the balls to become ordinary donuts.  Leave the donuts  a little to rise up.

Meanwhile heat oil to fry donuts. Prepare the grill for drain the fat from the donuts. Check the oil with a spoon to figure out when the oil is hot enough. If the oil is hot enough you see when the oil starts to foaming around the spoon. When you give the donuts into the oil the temperature must be very hot. Overlap donuts with a lid for about one minute, then reduce the temperature and remove the lid. Turn the donuts and wait for a nice color. Repeat the same with the others.

When the donuts drain and cool down it follows the best part: decorating. As I mentioned I used toppings from Lidl (white ice and chocolate topping). They are both in a bag and you have to put her in hot water or heat it in the microwave to become a liquid cream and that's it. Mine were at the end very colorful. I received quite a few compliments so I will definitely make them in the future :)

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