Mafini so okusna sladica za dni, ko je potrebno narediti nekaj na hitro. Lahko so s polnilom ali brez. Jaz imam rada takšne, ki so zelo sočni. Mafini s kivijem so eni takšnih. Narejeni so res hitro, saj lahko vse sestavine zmešaš skupaj, vliješ v modelčke in daš peči. Ta teden sem v Sparu kupila simpatične posodice v obliki kavne šalčke za izdelavo cupcakesov. Do sedaj jih še nisem delala zato sem se odločila, da grem takoj v akcijo. Kupila sem 3 paketke modelčkov (pakirani so po 2 skupaj). Cena je bila smešno nizka saj so bili znižani na 0,50€ za paket. Modelčki so silikonski, tako, da se jih lahko da v pečico.
Za izdelavo potrebujete naslednje sestavine:
- 2 kivija
-280g moke
- 1 žlička pecilnega praška
- pol žličke sode bikarbone
- 2 jajci
- 120g sladkorja
- 80ml olja
-160ml jabolčnega soka
Vse kar je potrebno storiti je stehtati vse sestavine in zmešati skupaj. Na koncu dodajte na koščke narezan kivi in dobro zmešajte. Masa je lepo viskozna. V model za mafine dajte papirnate modelčke. Ker je mase kar nekaj sem najprej napolnila nove modelčke za cupcakese, v katere nisem dala nobenega papirja, in nato model za mafine. Vse skupaj dajte peči na 160 stopinj. Tako se naj peče 10minut, nato pa zvišajte temperaturo na 180 stopinj in pecite še naslednjih 10-15 minut (površina se lepo zapeče). Če ne veste, kdaj so mafini pečeni je najbolje, da enega prepiknete z nožem. Če se na njem vidi tekoča masa, potem moramo še malo počakati, v nasprotnem primeru pa je nož čist in jih lahko damo ven.
Ko damo mafine iz pečice jih moramo za nadaljnjo izdelavo ohladiti. Medtem lahko pripravimo kremo za povrhu. Jaz sem se odločila za preprosto verzijo in sicer s stepeno sladko smetano. Med mešanjem bodite pozorni, da dodate Kremfix, saj bo smetana tako obdržala želeno obliko. Krema lahko vsebuje tudi mascarpone in druge dodatke. Smetano lahko po želji pobarvate (jaz sem bolj za naravno, zato sem pustila smetano belo). Ko so mafini dovolj hladni lahko na njih nabrizgamo smetano. Sledi korak eksperimentiranja, kjer si lahko daste duška kot si želite. Ker sem delala kivijeve mafine sem nekaj koščkov dala tudi na smetano. Dodala sem še nekaj dekorativnih kroglic in to je to. :)
Muffins are a quick dessert for days when you have to do something quickly. You can make them with or without filler. I like them because they are very juicy. Muffins with kiwi are one of those. They are really fast for making. You can mix all the ingredients together, pour the mass into the model and put it in the oven. This week I bought in Spar nice models for making cupcakes in form of coffee cups . So far I have not made cupcakes so I decided to go immediately in the action. I bought 3 packets of models (packed 2 together). The price was ridiculously low- they have been reduced to 0.50€ for a package. Molds are from silicone so you can put them in the oven.
For kiwi muffins you will need the following ingredients:
- 2 kiwis
-280g flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- Half a teaspoon of baking soda
- 2 eggs
- 120g sugar
- 80ml oil
-160ml apple juice
All you need to do is to weigh all the ingredients and mix it together. Add the chopped kiwi and mix well. Put paper models in the the model for the muffins. I have got a lot of mass so I fill firstly the new model for cupcakes and then model for muffins. Put all together in the oven on 160 degrees and bake for 10 minutes then raise the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 10-15 minutes. If you do not know when they are baked insert the knife into muffin. If you put them out and you see the liquid mass on the knife you have to wait a little longer, otherwise the knife clean and they are ready to take them out.
When you give muffins out of the oven you have to cool them. In the meantime prepare the cream for the top. I decided for a simple version with the whipped sweet cream. Add Kremfix while stirring the cream to become a compact cream. The cream may also contain mascarpone and other additives if you want. You can also add color for food for more colorful cupcakes (I'm more of a natural, so I left the cream white). When the muffins cool it you can spray the cream. You can decorate them as you want. Because I made kiwi muffins I give a few pieces of kiwi on cream. I added some decorative balls and that's it. :)
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