Prihaja moj najljubši čas: POMLAD. Ta čas je zame najlepši, saj se narava prebuja in tako se začne sezona nabiranja zelišč, priprave vrtnin in drugih del zunaj. Prva znanilka pomladi je vsekakor trobentica. Kdo ne pozna rumene cvetlice, na katere radi zapiskamo in jo na koncu pojemo? Ima pa trobentica mnoge druge zdravilne lastnosti, ki jih želim s tem člankom predstaviti.
Navadna trobentica (Primula vulgaris)
Trobentice lahko preprosto naberemo med sprehodom, na njo potrobimo in jo pojemo. Če naberemo več pa jih lahko uporabimo sveže za solate ter poparke ali pa jih posušimo za čajne mešanice. Večina ljudi pozna trobentice za popestritev raznih solat ali pripravo samostojne solate. Trobentica je idealna za čiščenje vse zimske navlake iz telesa, saj vsebuje veliko vitamina C. Ko nabiramo cvetove je potrebno paziti, da jih ne pomečkamo. Bodite pozorni, da cvetov ne splahnjujete pod vodo, saj bi tako odplaknili vse zdravilne učinkovine. Pri sušenju moramo biti hitri. Najbolje je, da jih posušimo v sušilniku, ko pa so cvetovi suhi jih shranimo v ne preveč zaprtih posodah ali v papirnatih vrečkah. Posušene cvetove lahko uporabimo za razne čajne mešanice ali pa za samostojni čaj. Iz mladih cvetov se lahko naredi tudi trobentično vino. Uporabne so tudi korenine, katere kopljemo od marca do aprila ali jeseni in jih dobro očistimo, narežemo na nitke ter sušimo v senci. Kot vidimo, je uporabna cela rastlina.
Sveži cvetovi:
- uporabimo jih lahko v solatnih mešanicah ali kot samostojno solato (takšna solata je vizualno privlačna prav tako pa vsebuje visok odstotek vitamina C)
- poparjene z vrelo vodo uporabimo za čiščenje telesa po zimskem času ter za zdravljenje katarjev
Posušeni cvetovi in listi:
- čaj iz posušenih cvetov in listov lajša kašenj, blaži bronhitis, čisti dihala, preprečuje in blaži pljučnico, za čiščenje ledvic, krvi in sečil (je diuretik)
- v kombinaciji z mladimi brezovimi listi in mlade koprive je odličen za čiščenje dihal
- če pijemo čaj dlje časa prežene revmo
- čaj iz posušenih cvetov je primeren tudi pri nespečnosti, krepi srce in živce.
- proti migreni, živčnimi glavoboli in drgetanju udov.
- v vinu namočeni cvetovi so odlični za krepitev srca
- čaj iz korenin je primeren pri kašlji
- kot tinktura (korenine namočene v žganju) se uporablja za pomiritev
- kot obkladek na svežih ranah
Here comes my favorite time: SPRING. For me it´s the most beautiful time in the year because nature is awakening. It begins the season of harvesting herbs, vegetables and other work outside. The first harbinger of spring are definitely primroses. Who doesn´t know yellow flowers on which we blow and end up in your mouth? It has many other medicinal features that I want to present you in this post.
Would primroses (Primula vulgaris)
Primroses grow in early spring from March to May but you can see the first ones in January. They are perennials. The leaves are slightly wrinkled and hairy below. The flowers are yellow and smell like honey. You can find them on sunny meadows and in forest somewhere to 1.200m altitude.
You can gather primroses easily during a walk, blow on them and eat them. If you gather more you can use them fresh for salads and infusions or dried for tea mixture. Most people know primroses to spice up various salads or prepare a separate salad with them. Primroses are ideal for cleaning all winter clutter from your body because it contains a lot of vitamin C. When you gather flowers make sure not to squeeze them. Be aware that you don´t wash the flowers under water because this would flush all active ingredients. For drying you have to be quick. It is the best to dry them in the dryer. When the flowers are dry store them in not too closed containers or paper bags. You can use dried flowers for variety of tea mixtures or for an individual cup of tea. You can make a primrose wine from blossoms. You can also use the roots. Dig them from March to April or in autumn and clean well, cut them and dry it in the shade. As you can see the whole plant is useful.
Fresh flowers:
- They can be used in salad mixes or as an independent salad (salad is such a visually appealing and also contains a high percentage of vitamin C)
- Scalded with boiling water is used to clean the body after the winter time
Dried flowers and leaves:
- Tea from the dried flowers and leaves relieves cough, alleviates bronchitis, clean respiratory, prevents and relieves pneumonia, clean the kidneys, blood and urinary tract (a diuretic)
- In combination with young birch leaves and young nettle great for cleaning respiratory
- If you drink tea for a long time it banish rheumatism
- Tea from the dried flowers is also suitable for insomnia, strengthens the heart and nerves.
- for migraine, nervous headaches and shivering limbs.
- Flowers soaked in wine are excellent for strengthening the heart
- Tea made from the roots is suitable for cough
- As a tincture (roots soaked in spirits) is used to soothe
- As a compress on fresh wounds
As you can see this plant has really big secret effects which many people don´t know. So go quickly in the action and take advantage of sunny days to harvest these plants ;)
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