Tole je pa res top prigrizek. Za vse ljubitelje sira je tole en velik have to try. Obožujem sirove štručke iz Lidla, saj je sir na njih taaaakooo hrustljav, tele palčke pa so jim zelo podobne. No celo boljše :) Idejo sem našla na (btw stran je top z vsemi recepti in dobila sem kar nekaj idej za kosila v prihodnjih dneh). Torej, če vas pred vrati pričaka obisk ali pa bi imeli kakšen prigrizek za zvečer je tole ena super ideja.
Za sirne lizike rabimo:
- trd sir (jaz sem kupila Edamca v Lidlu)
- lesene palčke
- peki papir
Pečico nastavimo na 200 stopinj, pripravimo pekač s peki papirjem in akcija. Nariban sir nanesemo v obliki kroga na papir, posujemo s kakšnimi semeni ali brez (jaz sem dodala sezam), damo na sredino palčko in ponovimo vajo na zgornji strani palčke. Pekač damo v pečico in pečemo po občutku, dokler se sir lepo ne zapeče (nekje 5 minut).
Tako, pa so narejene. Pri nas so šle skoraj hitreje, kot so bile narejene (torej pograbili smo jih takoj, ko so se ohladile, tako da jutri ponovim novo rundo).
Na zgornji sliki lahko vidite tudi moje nove nohtke. Žal sem imela na prejšnjih že takšen narastek, da sem mogla narediti nove. No nad rezultatom nisem ravno navdušena, saj mi je eden izmed gelish lakcev zelo ponagajal in se mi je precej zgostil, tako da je bil nanos precej težek. Vseeno pa mislim, da boljše takšni kot pa da nimam nič :)
This is a really great snack. For all lovers of cheese is here a big have to try. I love cheese rolls from Lidl because of crispy cheese on it and those lollipops are the same. Well even better :) I found the idea on (btw the side is full of great recipes and I got a few lunch ideas for the next days). So, if you have guests on the door or you want some snacks for the evening this is a great idea.
For cheese lollipops we need:
- hard cheese (I bought Edam in Lidl)
- wooden sticks
- baking paper
Set the oven to 200 degrees and prepare a baking tray with baking paper. Apply grated cheese in the shape of circles on paper, sprinkle with any seeds or non (I added sesame seeds), place in the center a stick and repeat the exercise on top of the sticks. Place the baking tray in the oven and bake by feel until the cheese is light brown (about 5 minutes).
So they are done. They´ve gone almost faster than they were made (so we grabbed them as soon as they cool down, so tomorrow I will make a new round).
On the first picture you can see my new nails. Well, I´m not very satisfied with the result because I had some problems with the thickness of one gelish polishes. However, I think it´s better to have those than to have nothing :)
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