Zakaj lepe stvari vedno tako hitro minejo? Zdi se mi, da sem se komaj usedla v nabasan avto s štirimi kolesi na strehi, s katerim smo se peljali proti Trogirju, pa smo že nazaj. Letos smo po dolgem času šli v največji sezoni kar se je poznalo po dolgi vožnji, saj smo se vozili več kot 10 ur. Ampak na vse to smo pozabili takoj, ko smo prispeli v Trogir. Dopust smo aktivno izkoristili za ogled Šolte, kamor smo šli z ladjico in za ogled Biograda na Moru. V celem dopustu pa me je najbolj fascinirala tržnica, kakršne že dolgo nisem videla. Tako so se moje jutranje kavice ob obisku tržnice vedno zelooo zavlekle :)
Why all good things end so quickly? It seems to me that I just sat in the stuffed car with four wheels on the roof, who took us to Trogir, and now we're back. This year we went on vacation in the biggest season so we drove to Trogir more than 10 hours. But all this was forgotten as soon as we arrived in Trogir. We were very active; we went on a fish picnic to Solta, where we went with the boat and the last day we went to Biograd na Moru. In the whole vacation I was the most fascinated about the marketplace. That's why my morning coffee was always so looong because I visited the marketplace too :)
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