sobota, 15. avgust 2015

Blackberry cheesecake

Vročinski val ne popušča in ne popušča. Ko prideš iz dopusta je kar težko prenašati takšno vročino zato si je treba najti takšno in drugačno osvežitev. Ta teden imam na počitnicah nečaka in nečakinjo, zato sem spekla nekaj novega, kar do sedaj še nisem. Odločila sem se za cheesecake iz samo treh sestavin z dodatkom svežih robid. Obožujem gozdne sadeže še posebej robide, saj me s svojim kislim okusom zelo osvežijo. Trenutno je za nabiranje pravi čas, zato se čim večkrat odpravim proti obrobju gozda po zaloge.

Za cheesecake potrebujemo:
- 250g skute (lahko tudi sirni namaz)
- 200-250g bele čokolade
- 6 jajc

Jajca ločimo na rumenjake in beljake. Iz beljakov naredimo trd sneg in ga damo v hladilnik. Nad vodno soparo stopimo belo čokolado in segrejemo pečico na 170 stopinj. V stopljeno čokolado dodamo skuto, dobro zmešamo in na koncu počasi vmešamo sneg. Tekočo zmes vlijemo v tortni pekač in damo za pol ure peči na 170 stopinj.Nato še za 15 minut pustimo torto v ugasnjeni pečici. Po površini se naredi lepo zapečena skorja, da pa preverite, če je pečeno zapičite v sredino nož ali zobotrebec. Če ostane na nožu kaj mase pomeni, da še ni pečeno.

Ko se je torta ohladila sem jo premazala s kislo smetano in posula s svežimi robidami.Tortica je hitro narejena, prepričala pa bo tudi tiste, ki imajo radi malo manj sladke stvari. Meni je super zato bom definitivno ponovila vajo še kakšnim drugim sadjem.


Heatwave doesn´t let up. When you came from the vacation is very hard to survive this heat so you need to find a refreshment. This week I have on vacation nephew and niece, so I baked something new to impress them. I chose cheesecake with three ingredients and for the top fresh blackberries. I love berries especially blackberries because of their sour taste which is very refreshing. Now it´s the right time to harvest them so I go as often as possible on the outskirts of the forest.

For the cheesecake you need:

- 250g cottage cheese (or cheese spread)
- 200-250g white chocolate
- 6 eggs

Separate yolks and whites from eggs. Make snow from whites and place in the fridge. Melt the white chocolate above the heat and heat the oven to 170 degrees. Add the cottage cheese in the melted chocolate, mix well and finally slowly stirr the snow into it. Pour the mass into a pie pan and put in oven for half an hour at 170 degrees. Then leave the cake for another 15 minutes in the turned off oven. On the surface it makes a nice crust. To check if it is cooked insert in the middle of cake a knife or toothpick. If there stay any mass on the knife it´s not baked yet.

When the cake cooled I coat with sour cream and give on the top fresh blackberries.The cake is very quickly made, and will convince even those who don´t like very sweet things. For me is great and I will definitely make a new one with any other fruit.

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