ponedeljek, 8. februar 2016

Carnival donuts (pustni krofi)

Pust krivih ust! Brez krofov te dni nikakor ne gre. Midve z mamo sva jih pekle v soboto in so nama res lepo uspeli. Pa še dobri so bili. Jutri pa je dan D, ko morajo biti obvezno na mizi in to brezhibni. Delali sva jih po spodnjem receptu.

- 1kg moke (pol ostre in pol mehke)
- 9 rumenjakov
- 4 žlice sladkorja
- 10 dag kvasa
- šilce ruma
- 14 dag olja
- 4 dcl mleka
- lupina ene limone
- malo soli
- 1 vanilij sladkor

Sladkor in rumenjake penasto vmešamo, dodamo olje, rum, limonino lupino, vanilij sladkor in 2dcl toplega mleka. Medtem naj vzhaja kvas, kateremu dodamo malo sladkorja in mleko in vse skupaj z moko zgnetemo v gladko testo. Gnetemo nekje 10 minut. Ko zgnetemo počakamo, da masa lepo naraste. Ponovno zgnetemo in trgamo testo, da naredimo male kroglice. Damo jih na prt, jih pokrijemo in pustimo vzhajati še najmanj uro. 

Pripravimo olje v posodo in ga segrevamo. Da je olje dovolj vroče preverimo s kuhalico. V kolikor se okoli nje začnejo delati mehurčki lahko gremo v akcijo. Kroglice pred cvrenjem obrnemo in jih hitro damo v olje, pokrijemo s pokrovko in zmanjšamo temperaturo ognja. Ko je na eni strani lepe rjave barve jih obrnemo še na drugo stran. Pečene damo na rešetko, da se lepo odtečejo in hladne polnimo z marmelado ter jih posujemo s sladkorjem v prahu. Jaz sem jih letos delala prvič po tem receptu. Lani sem delala sicer ameriške krofe po drugem receptu, letos pa je bil na vrsti ta in mislim, da ga bom še ponovila. 


Carnival time is here and without donuts these days can´t run. Me and my mum baked them on Saturday and they were really tasty. Tomorrow is day D, when they must be on the table and of course  they have to be perfect. We made them with this recipe:

- 1kg of flour (half fierce and half soft)
- 9 egg yolks
- 4 tablespoons sugar
- 10 g of yeast
- a drop of rum
- 14 g oil
- 4 dcl of milk
- Zest of one lemon
- A little salt
- 1 vanilla sugar

Mix together sugar and egg yolks, add oil, rum, lemon zest and 2dl warm milk. Meanwhile prepare the yeast and add to him a little sugar and milk to rise. Add to other ingredients and knead into a smooth dough. Knead for about 10 minutes. When you knead it wait to increase the mass. Re-knead the dough and make small balls. Give them to the tablecloth, cover them and leave to rise for at least an hour.

Prepare the oil and heat him. When the oil is hot enough check with a kitchen spoon. If around them start working bubbles you can go in action. Turn the balls and give them quickly in oil, cover with a lid and decrease the temperature of the flame. When they become a brown color turn them over to the other side. Place them on the grid to flow down the fat, fill them cold with jam and sprinkle them with powdered sugar. I made them for the first time this year. Last year I made my first american donuts with another recipe. This year I made with another one and I think I will make them again.


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