Letošnja zima mi ni niti malo všeč. Nisem neka ljubiteljica snega ampak to zimo si ga pa želim že od Božiča. Nekaj malega smo ga res že imeli pa kaj, ko so potem tako hitro visoke temperature in tudi takoj zmanjka. No, nenehne spremembe od ekstremno toplih do mrzlih dni ne prinesejo nič dobrega. Letošnjo zimo so bolni vsi. Jaz sem na srečo imela do zdaj dva prehlada in vnetja grla zdaj pa upam da je to to. Žajbelj je seveda veliko pripomogel k moji hitrejši ozdravitvi. Zakaj pa se vse uporablja in pa seveda nekaj malega o njem pa spodaj.
ŽAJBELJ (Salvia officinalis)
Žajbelj je nizek grm, visok do 40cm s številnimi stebli. Ta so spodaj olesenela in štiriroba. Listi so eliptični, podolgovati ali jajčasti, na kratkih pecljih ali sedeči in zelenkastosive barve. Vsi nadzemni deli so prerasli z dlakastimi žlezicami, ki izločajo eterično olje. Cvetovi so svetlo vijoličasti, le redko so beli ali rožnati in so zbrani na koncih stebel v rahel grozd. Ves žajbelj ima močen, dišaven vonj in nekoliko grenek in trpek okus. Cveti od junija do konca julija. Pri nas raste po vrtovih, v naravi pa po suhih predelih južne Evrope in obrežjih Sredozemskega morja.
Žajbelj vsebuje eterično olje, čreslovine, grenke snovi, beljakovine, škrob, sluzi, smole,...
Žajbelj se uporablja za:
- razkuževanje dihal,
- žene na vodo,
- ureja potenje (pri tistih, ki se veliko potijo jim zavira, obratno pa pospešuje)
- pospešuje krvni obtok
- za zdravljenje ran
- pomirja živčni sistem
- lajša neprijetno nočno potenje
- naval krvi pri ženskah v meni
- pri depresiji
- za sladkorne bolnike
Nabiramo liste in cvetne vršičke, tik preden se rastlina razcveti. Nabrano posušimo v senci na prepihu.
Žajbelj uporabljamo za grgranje pri žrelnem katarju, pri vnetih mandeljnih in vneti ustni sluznici.
Čaj uporabljajo tudi doječe matere v kolikor želijo zmanjšati izločanje mleka.
Za vnete dlesni ali bolj bleščeče zobe se lahko žvečijo kar sveži listi in se jih kasneje izpljune. Pri vnetih dlesnih lahko prav tako grgramo žajbljev poparek.
Lahko pa žajbelj uporabimo tudi v kulinariki za pripravo mesnih, ribjih jedi in zelenjavnih enolončnic.
V kozmetiki se uporablja pri aknasti in občutljivi koži ter za pospeševanje rasti las in za njihovo temnenje kot poparek.
Ker žajbljevo eterično olje vsebuje strupen tujon, z žajbljevimi pripravki ne smemo pretiravati in jih uporabljamo le takrat, ko je to potrebno!
I don´t like this year's winter. I'm not a fan of snow, but this winter I want him since Christmas. We already have some snow but that´s like nothing if temperatures rise so quickly and snow runs out. Well, constant changes from warm to extremely cold days don´t bring anything good. This year the diseases constantly repeat. I'm lucky to have this winter just two colds and now I hope that this is it. Sage also helped me with my healing. Why you can use it and a little about him in the following words.
SAGE (Salvia officinalis)
Sage is a low bush, up to 40 cm high with multiple stems. They are below woody and with square head. The leaves are elliptical, oblong or oval, on short stalks or sessile and in greengrey colors. All above-ground parts have hairy glands which secrete essential oil. The blossoms are pale violet, rarely white or pink and are collected at the ends of the stems at a slight cluster. All plant has a strong, fragranced aroma and slightly bitter and astringent taste. It blooms from June until the end of July. It grows in gardens and in nature in dry regions of southern Europe and the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
Sage contains essential oil, tannins, bitter substances, proteins, starch, mucilage, resins, ...
Sage is used for:
- disinfecting the respiratory tract,
- a diuretic
- regulates sweating (for those who are much sweat they inhibit, reverse and accelerating)
- regulates blood circulation
- for wounds
- calms the nervous system
- relieves uncomfortable night sweats
- for depression
- diabetic
Sage contains essential oil, tannins, bitter substances, proteins, starch, mucilage, resins, ...
Sage is used for:
- disinfecting the respiratory tract,
- a diuretic
- regulates sweating (for those who are much sweat they inhibit, reverse and accelerating)
- regulates blood circulation
- for wounds
- calms the nervous system
- relieves uncomfortable night sweats
- for depression
- diabetic
Gather the leaves and flower buds just before the plant blooms. Dry in the shade and in the dark.
For gargling by hatch catarrh, inflamed almonds and inflamed oral mucosa.
Nursing mothers can use sage tea as far as they want to reduce the secretion of milk.
For inflamed gums or more gleaming teeth you can chew fresh sheets. By inflamed gums you can also gargle sage infusion.
You can also use sage in kitchen to prepare meat, fish dishes and vegetable stews.
In the cosmetics is great for acne and sensitive skin and for promoting hair growth and for their darkening as infusion.
Sage essential oil contains toxic thujone! Use sage only when it´s necessary!
Sage essential oil contains toxic thujone! Use sage only when it´s necessary!
Vir: Kuharske bukve: zdravilna zelišča, čaji in čajne mešanice
Richard Willfort: Zdravilne rastline in njih uporaba
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