Po naslovu sodeč vam je verjetno jasno, da se pri teh nohtih dogaja nekaj zanimivega. Takšni nohti so dobili ime po kameleonu ravno zaradi njegove najbolj prepoznavne lastnosti: spreminjanja barve. Večina gelish lakov kupujem preko e-baya, saj se mi zdi kar dobra kvaliteta. Nekaj let sem uporabljala znamko Syster, ki je bila res top. Sedaj pa me je skoraj zadela kap, ko sem ugotovila med brskanjem po e-bayu, da te znamke ni možno več dobiti. Morala sem v akcijo za novo znamko gelish lakov. Prvi, ki sem ga naročila po Syster kolekciji je bil lak znamke Gel polish. Že dolgo sem gledala za temi, ki spreminjajo barvo glede na toploto rok. Ker pa so mi zadnje čase noro všeč laki kožne barve ni bilo dvoma, katero barvo izbrati.
Lakci so sicer mali (v 7ml flaškah) kar me je sprva malo zmotilo, ampak je tudi smešno nizka cena, tako da to odtehta. Lak pride 2,15€ najboljše pa je, da je brezplačna poštnina.
Gelish lakiranja se lotim, kadar se mi nikamor ne mudi, po navadi zvečer pred spanjem. Potrebujem dovolj časa, da si starega odstranim, lepo spilim nohte, si uredim obnohtno kožico in šele nato je na vrsti lakiranje. Tale gelish lakec sem preizkusila kakšne tri tedne nazaj z namenom, da vidim kakšna bo njegova obstojnost. Je res, da niso tako dobri kot so Syster (ti so mi zdržali tudi po 3 tedne in še dlje bi, če ne bi imela tako očitnega narastka). Pri tem laku so mi obdržali 10 dni, kar je še vseeno kar dobro za takšno ceno. Nato pa sledi lakiranje: podlak, 2 plasti barve, nadlak, odtis štampiljke in na koncu zadnja plast nadlaka na nohtih, kjer je štampiljka. Sliši se kar veliko dela ampak sem po navadi konec z vsem v dobri uri. Žal imam uv lučko kar traja malo dlje (bo treba kupiti novo led lučko :P ).
Po koncu sem seveda morala takoj v akcijo k umivalniku. In končni rezultat je NOR: Pri topli vodi ali toplih rokah je barva laka skoraj bela oz. zelo svetlo roza, medtem ko je pri mrzli vodi ali mrzlih rokah bolj intenzivna roza. Barvna sprememba je zelo očitna. Tile nohti so mi tako všeč, da si jih nonstop opazujem hehe. Aja, kupite jih lahko tule: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Temperature-Chameleon-Thermal-Color-Change-UV-LED-Soak-Off-Gel-Polish-Nail-7ml-/141469240567?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item20f0394cf7
Seveda sem si morala naročiti še enega in sedaj čakam mint barvo. Ko dobim pa seveda sledi objavica ;)
P.S.: Pa še moj kovček v katerem se trudim imeti vse na vidiku kar rabim za ustvarjanje z nohtki ;)
P.S.: Pa še moj kovček v katerem se trudim imeti vse na vidiku kar rabim za ustvarjanje z nohtki ;)
Judging by the title you probably know that I will talk about very special nails. These nails are named after chameleon because of its most distinctive feature: color changing. I buy gel polishes on e-Bay because for me it´s a good quality. I used the brand Syster for a long time which was for me the best. Now, I almost had a stroke when I found out while browsing e-Bay that this brands is not available any more. I had to search for a new gelish brand. My first order was from the brand Gel polish. I've been watching for those that change color depending on the heat of hands. These days I totally love skin color polishes so there was no doubt which color to choose.
The polishes are small (in 7ml bottles) which were for me at first sooo small but it´s also ridiculously low price so that outweighs all. Polish costs 2.15€ but the best at all: you have free shipping.
I paint my nails when I have a lot of time usually before bedtime. I need enough time to remove the old gelpolish, fill nails, edit the nail cuticle and then it´s time for painting. I've tried this gel polish about three weeks ago in order to see what will be its durability. It´s true that they are not as good as Syster (they stay on nails for 3 weeks and they would stay longer if the nails don´t grown too much). I kept this color for 10 days which is still pretty good for such a price. Then it´s time for painting: base coat, two layers of color, top coat, stamps and at the end the last layer of top coat on nails where you give a stamp. It sounds quite a lot of work but I usually end with everything in one hour. I have UV light which takes a little longer (it´s time to buy a new LED light: P).
In the end I had to check the polish as soon as posible. And the result was just OMG: In warm water or when you have warm hands the color of nails is almost white or bright light pink, while in cold water or when you have cold hands is the color more intense pink. Color change is very obvious. These nails are for me sooo great.. I can constantly watch them. And you can buy it here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Temperature-Chameleon-Thermal-Color-Change-UV-LED-Soak-Off-Gel-Polish-Nail-7ml-/141469240567?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item20f0394cf7
Of course I had to order another one and now I'm waiting for mint color. When I get it I will show you in a post ;)
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