Travniki so že lepo zeleni in tako poleg rož in trave najdemo tudi zdravilne rastline, ki jih že lahko nabiramo. Te dni sem nabrala ozkolistni trpotec. Ko sem bila mala sem si ob kakšnem padcu vedno dala na rano zmečkan trpotčev list in rana se je tako hitreje zacelila. Podobne zdravilne lastnosti ima tudi ozkolistni trpotec oziroma še kakšno več.
OZKOLISTNI TRPOTEC (Plantago Lanceolata)
Ozkolistni trpotec prepoznamo po ozkih koničastih listih. Je trajnica. Nabiramo ga od aprila do oktobra oziroma preden je zrelo seme. Nabira se ga lahko tudi do 4x v enem letu. Je precej razširjena travniška rastlina: najdemo ga na vseh travnikih in ob poteh. Ozkolistni trpotec sušimo hitro, saj lahko v nasprotnem primeru počrnijo. Prav tako pazimo, da liste ne poškodujemo, saj na tistem delu prav tako postanejo temni.
Liste uporabimo sveže ali pa jih posušimo.
- SVEŽ SOK uporabimo ob direktnem stiku s kožo v primeru ran. Trpotec zaustavi krvavitve in suši rane. Zdravi sveže rane, odrgnine, lajša bolečine po piku žuželk,...
- ČAJ služi za pomirjanje kašlja, pri bronhitisu, pri prehladih, vnetjih grla in žrela, za izkašljevanje,... Pri vnetju grla in ustne votline lahko uporabimo čaj za grgranje. Čaj lahko uporabimo tudi zunanje pri turih in hemoroidih za izpiranje.
- SIRUP naredimo tako, da damo izmenično v kozarec plast sladkorja in plast trpotca. Postavimo na temen prostor za tri mesece. Sirup precedimo in zavremo ter damo v temne stekleničke. Učinkuje podobno kot čaj.
- V KULINARIKI lahko mlade liste uporabimo v prikuhah, solatah in drugje v kolikor imate radi okus po gobah. Pomagal naj bi pri želodčnih težavah in pri griži.
Nosečnice naj se pripravkom iz ozkolistnega trpotca izogibajo, saj vpliva na mišično napetost maternice.
Učinkovine v ozkolistnem trpotcu so glikozidi, sluzi, klorogenska kislina, ursolna kislina ter kremenčeva kislina. Na sluznici zgornjega dela dihalnih poti naredijo tanko oblogo, ki sluznico ščiti pred draženjem. Učinkovine imajo tudi blago protimikrobno delovanje.
Če povzamemo je torej ozkolistni trpotec uporaben:
- celi rane
- lajša bolečine pri piku žuželk
- pri pljučnih boleznih, bronhitisu
- pri dražečem kašlju
- pri vnetem mehurju
- pri presnovnih težavah
- čisti kri
- pri boleznih želodca, driski in hemoroidih.
The meadows are already green and full of flowers and grass but you can also find many healing plants for gather. These days I gathered narrowleaf plantain. When I was small I always put on wound creased brodleaf plantain and the wound has healed faster. Similar to broadleaf plantain has narrowleaf plantain also healing ingredients.
NARROWLEAF PLANTAIN (Plantago lanceolata)
You can recognize narrowleaf plantain by the narrow pointed leaves. It is a perennial. You can gather it from April to October and before the seeds mature. You can gather up to 4x per year. It´s quite expanded meadow plant; we find it in all meadows and on roads. Take care to dry narrowleaf plantain quickly because otherwise they can blecken it. We also care that the leaves are not damaged because in this part also blecken it.
You can recognize narrowleaf plantain by the narrow pointed leaves. It is a perennial. You can gather it from April to October and before the seeds mature. You can gather up to 4x per year. It´s quite expanded meadow plant; we find it in all meadows and on roads. Take care to dry narrowleaf plantain quickly because otherwise they can blecken it. We also care that the leaves are not damaged because in this part also blecken it.
You can use leaves fresh or dried.
- use FRESH JUICE for direct contact with the skin in case of wounds. It stops bleedings and dry wounds. It heal fresh wounds, grazes, relieves pain after insect stings,...
- use FRESH JUICE for direct contact with the skin in case of wounds. It stops bleedings and dry wounds. It heal fresh wounds, grazes, relieves pain after insect stings,...
- TEA which is to soothe cough and bronchitis, for colds, sore throat, cough. You can use tea external for hemorrhoids for rinse.
-make SYRUP so you give alternately in the glass a layer of sugar and a layer of plantain. Place in a dark place for three months. Strain the syrup, boil it and put in a dark bottle. It Works similar as tea.
- use young leaves in CULINARY for dishes, salads,... as long as you love the taste of mushrooms. It should help for stomach problems and diarrhea.
Pregnant women should avoid products from plantain because it affects on uterine muscle tension.
The active ingredients are glycosides, mucus, chlorogenic acid, ursolic acid and silicic acid. It makes a thin coating in the mucosa of the upper respiratory which protects the mucous membrane irritation. The active ingredients also have mild antimicrobial activity.
The active ingredients are glycosides, mucus, chlorogenic acid, ursolic acid and silicic acid. It makes a thin coating in the mucosa of the upper respiratory which protects the mucous membrane irritation. The active ingredients also have mild antimicrobial activity.
In summary narrowleaf plantain is useful:
- Heal wounds
- Relieves pain from insect stings
- Lung diseases, bronchitis
- For irritated cough
- In inflamed bladder
- Metabolic problems
- Purifies the blood
- In diseases of the stomach, diarrhea and hemorrhoids.
- In diseases of the stomach, diarrhea and hemorrhoids.
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