V življenju pridejo vzponi in padci. Včasih se padci peljejo eden za drugim in tako preizkušajo človeka. V tem tednu sem imela dve prelomni stvari. Nekomu je bilo podarjeno drugo življenje, nekdo ga je izgubil. Ravno en teden nazaj je imel moj fant prometno nesrečo in res je imel ogromno srečo. V vsem spletu okoliščin jo je odnesel še kar dobro. V takšnih trenutkih se zaveš, kako tanka je meja med biti in ne biti in kako premalokrat povemo ljudem, da jih imamo radi. Se je pa v torek za vedno poslovila moja stara mama. Po letu in pol nepokretnosti in demence je za vedno zaspala. V torek dopoldne sem nabirala šopek ravno za njo in nisem si mislila, da bo to njen zadnji.
Stara mama naj ti bo lepo kjerkoli že si in pozdravi starega ata. Pogrešamo vaju!
In life there are ups and downs. Sometimes it comes one after other and that´s all to test a person. This week I had two groundbreaking things. Someone got a second life and someone has lost it. One week ago on Saturday my boyfriend had an accident and he had a lot of luck. In such moments you realize how thin the border between being and not being is and how rarely we tell people that we love them. On Tuesday was the second shock. My grandmother died. After a year and a half standstill and dementia she fell asleep forever. On Tuesday morning I was just gathering a bunch for her, and I never thought that this will be her last.
Grandmother, let it be nice wherever you are and greet grandfather. We miss you!
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