Poletje: sonce, pikniki, limonada in osvežilne sladice. Kaj si še želi človek boljšega. Ko pomislim na poletje in mojo najljubšo sladico je to vsekakor osvežilna jogurtova strjenka z različnim sadjem. Na spletu sem našla kar nekaj različic in končno sem našla pravo zame. Poleg tega sem malo prakticirala z izgledom in končni izdelek mi je neznansko všeč. Kaj pa vam?
Jogurtove strjenke so zelo hitre sladice. Pomembno je, da jih naredimo dovolj prej, da se lahko dovolj ohladijo in strdijo.
Za 5 kozarčkov strjenke uporabim:
- 2dcl sladke smetane
- 2dcl mleka
- 3 žlice sladkorja
- 1 vanilij sladkor
- paket želatine v lističih
- 2 navadna jogurta
- jagode ali drugo sadje
Sladko smetano in mleko segrejemo in preden zavre odstavimo iz ognja. Dodamo oba sladkorja in damo na hladno, da se ohladi. Medtem pripravimo želatino v lističih (lahko tudi katero drugo, odvisno, katera vam je ljubša). Želatino v lističih za 5 minut namočimo v vodo, jo dobro ožmemo in nad vodno soparo stopimo. V mleko in sladko smetano dodamo oba jogurta, na koncu dodamo stopljeno želatino in dobro zmešamo. Pripravimo kozarčke, kamor bomo vlili. Jaz sem kozarčke pripravila vnaprej in sicer tako, da sem jih postavila malo pod kotom. Tako sem vlila do vrha in ko se je strdilo (imela sem v hladilniku) dodala do vrha nekaj narezanih jagod ostalo pa jagodni pire (zmiksane jagode). Takšen način je zelo lep za postrežbo zato naj bodo lončki prozorni, da se lepo vidi čez.
S sadjem lahko ekperimentirate kakor želite. Jaz imam najraje gozdne sadeže ali jagode.
Omenim naj še samo to, da sem sprva mislila, da se strjenka ne bo strdila. Zadeva je precej tekoča in po eni uri še nikakor ne bo trdo. Pri strjenki je potrebno biti strpen in počakati kakšne tri ure. Seveda naj bo ves čas na hladnem, saj se tudi servira hladna in je idealna za poletno osvežitev. Vaši gostje bodo preprosto navdušeni ;)
Summer: sun, picnic time, lemonade and refreshing desserts. A perfect combination. When I think of summer and my favorite dessert is this definitely refreshing yogurt dessert with fruits. I found on the web a lot of versions and I finally found the right for me. So I practiced a little with the look of the final product and I like it immensely. What about you?
Yoghurt mousse desserts are very fast for making. It´s important to make them early enough so they have time to cool and harden.
For 5 cups of yogurt dessert you need:
- 2dcl sweet cream
- 2dcl milk
- 3 tablespoons of sugar
- 1 vanilla sugar
- a package of gelatine in sheets
- 2 yogurts
- strawberries or other fruit
Heat cream and milk together and before boil remove it from the fire. Add both sugar and place on cold to cool. Meanwhile, prepare the gelatin in sheets (or some other, depending on which you like the most). Soak gelatin in sheets for 5 minutes in water, drain good and melt above hot water. Add two yogurts to the milk and cream, add the melted gelatin and mix well. Prepare the jars to pour the liquid mass. I prepared the cups in advance so I put them a little at an angle. When the mass become hard (I gave it in the fridge) I added some chopped strawberries and the rest strawberry puree (blended strawberries). This method is very good to serve because it is a great eye catcher. Therefore you need transparent cups to see clearly through.
You can experiment with the fruit as you want. I like forest fruits or strawberries the most.
Firstly I thought that the mousse will not harden. The dessert is firstly quite liquid and after an hour still not hard. For the dessert you have to be patient and wait for about three hours. Of course, it should be all the time in the cold, as well as served cold and is ideal for summer refreshment. Your guests will simply pleased ;)
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