V petek zvečer smo imeli veliko obiska, tako da je bilo potrebno pripraviti tudi kaj sladkega. Naredila sem rože iz listnatega testa, za katere sem objavila recept nekaj dni nazaj (http://vesnaturalicious.blogspot.com/2015/05/apple-roses-roze-iz-jabolk.html) in tele sladke zobotrebce. Sladica je precej enostavna, zraven pa vam lahko pomagajo tudi otroci. So pa vsekakor boljši naslednji dan.
Vse kar potrebujete je:
- keksi (tele sem kupila v Lidlu, drugje jih še nisem iskala)
- banane
- jedilna čokolada
- mleko
Ker sem delala sladke zobotrebce v petek in sem jih zvečer že servirala na mizo sem malo priredila recept. Zobotrebci so sprva zelo trdi ampak se naslednji dan lepo napijejo in sprimejo z banano ter tako bolj sočni. V petek za to ni bilo časa, zato sem si pomagala z navlažitvijo keksov z mlekom (podobno kot pri tiramisuju).
Na zobotrebec nataknemo en keks in ga samo po ravni površini na hitro pomočimo v mleko (ne smemo ga prej, ker se kasneje ne bo dalo več natakniti gor, ker bo premehek). Nad namočen keks nataknemo kolobar banane in zopet en pomočen keks. Vse skupaj prelijemo s tekočo jedilno čokolado. Jedilno čokolado stopimo nad vodno paro in ji dodamo nekaj kapljic olja. Oblijemo zobotrebce in jih napikamo na podlago.
Sama sem se malo znašla in si pripravila podlago iz stiroporja, katerega sem oblekla v papir za zavijanje. Takšna podlaga lahko gre potem brez problemov na mizo. Je pa res, da je treba odvečno čokolado iz keksov dobro otresti, da ne kaplja potem po papirju.
On Friday I had a lot of work at home. In the evening we had visits so I had to prepare some sweets. I made the flowers with puff pastry, which recipe I published a few days ago (http://vesnaturalicious.blogspot.com/2015/05/apple-roses-roze-iz-jabolk.html) and these sweet toothpicks. The dessert is so easy and you your children can help you. They are definitely better next day.
All you need is:
- biscuits (I bought them in Lidl)
- bananas
- cooking chocolate
- milk
I made sweet toothpicks on Friday and want them to serve in the evening so I had to rework the recipe a little bit. Toothpicks were first very hard but the next day when they stick together with banana become more juicy. On Friday, for this was no time, so I helped myself with moistening biscuits with milk (similar with biscuits for tiramisu ).
Put on a toothpick one biscuit and dip him quickly in the milk only on the flat surface (don´t dip it before becase they become to soft). Put on the biscuit a slice of banana and above that another biscuit dipped in the milk. Pour cooking chocolate to become liquid. Add a few drops of oil to the chocolate. Coat the toothpicks with chocolate and put them on a basis.
I prepared the ground from styrofoam which I sealed in a wrapping paper. You can give such a basis on the table without any problems. Take care to shake the excess of chocolate from biscuits then it doeesn´t drop the paper.
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