sobota, 23. maj 2015

What´s in this bag?

Zadnjo soboto v mesecu maju poteka DM tek za ženske. Lansko leto sem se ga udeležila prvič in bilo je kar nekaj pregovarjanja iz strani prijateljice. Nekako se mi je zdelo, da tek ni zame in da ne bom uspela preteči 5km proge. No letos pa se je vse obrnilo in ena izmed najbolj navdušenih sem ravno jaz. Lani spomladi sem se tako začela ukvarjati s tekom. Seveda zaradi DM teka, kar mi je bila motivacija za neko solidno uvrstitev. In tako sem s tekom nadaljevala, saj je občutek po pretečenih nekaj kilometrih super.

DM tek je super za druženje s prijateljicami. Sam koncept organiziranosti je super. Štartnina znaša 21€ in za ta denar dobiš res same super izdelke. Prav tako imaš zraven brezplačen prevoz do Ljubljane, brezplačen zajtrk, kosilo in možnost različnih degustacij na samem dogodku. Torej nobenega dvoma, da bi ostale doma :)
Včeraj in danes je bil zadnji dan za prijavo po nižji ceni in tudi prevzem štartnih številk. Dobila sem številko 1190 :) Poleg tega so letos majice takšne, kot sem si jih želela: ROZA. Na spodnji sliki pa sem poslikala, kaj vse DM paket zajema. Polovico stvari mi bodo prišle prav in dobro je, da si jih že nisem prej kupila.

Čez točno en teden bo torej letošnji jubilejni 10. DM tek za ženske. Do takrat pa bom šla odtečit še kakšen kilometer na moji standard progi v Rimske Toplice na Rusko stezo ali pri fantu na Šmartinsko jezero.

Last Saturday in May takes place DM run for women. Last year I was there for the first time my friend has to convince me so much. Somehow it seemed to me that running isn´t for me and that I'll never pass 5km route. Well, this year I´m one of the most excited for run. Last spring I started with running. The reason was the DM run which has given me the motivation to have a solid ranking. And now I love to run because I feel so great  when I end.
DM run is great for spending time with friends. The concept of organization is great. Entry fee is 21€ and for that money you become really great products. You also become a free ticket for train to Ljubljana, free breakfast, lunch and the possibility of different tastings on the event itself.
Yesterday and today was the last day for registration at a lower price and we got the starting numbers. I got the number 1190 :) This year the color of T-shirts is such as I wanted: PINK. In the picture below, I show you what DM package includes. There are a lot of things which I will use it and it´s great that I didn´t bought it before.
In exactly one week it will be 10th DM run for women. Until then, I'll  run at my favourite place in Rimske Toplice on the Russian way or  at Šmartinsko lake near boyfriends house.

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