četrtek, 3. marec 2016

Red nails

Pomlad kje si?? Včerajšnji dan je bil božanski! Sončen in tako prijeten je bil, da bi bilo škoda ostati v hiši. Ker sem bila prejšnji teden bolna sem komaj čakala, da se končno naužijem svežega zraka. Je pa danes čisto nekaj drugega. Sneg in dež- totalno turoben dan. Sem si ga pa sama polepšala z ŽIVIMI nohti. Rdeča res da neko posebno energijo :)

Te dni sem imela malo pavze z gelish nohti. Vmes se mi je zlomil noht in tako ni imelo smisla nič delati kot samo malo počakati. Pred tem sem imela čisto osnovno francosko manikiro. Danes sem se torej odločila za rdečo barvo, prstanec sem okrasila z Bundle monster platko, sredinec pa z bleščečim gelishem. Zaenkrat še vedno čakam na več novih barv preko e-baya. Žal so se nekje na poti izgubili in upam, da jih čimprej dobim, da malo osvežim barvno kolekcijo :)


Spring where are you?? Yesterday was such a great day! It was sunny and so great that would be a shame to stay in the house. Last week I was sick, so I couldn´t wait to breathe fresh air again. But today it´s quite something else. Snow and rain-totally gloomy day. I'd brighten it alone with some vivid nails. Red color give me a special energy :)

In last month I had a little break with gelish nails. In the meantime, I broke a nail so it didn´t make any sense to do something and I just wait. Before that I had a basic French manicure. Today I have decided for red, I decorated my ringfinger with Bundle Monster plate and the middle finger with a glittering gelish. So far, I'm still waiting on several new gel polishes from e-Bay. They´ve lost somewhere along the way and I hope to become them as soon as posible to refresh my color collection :)


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