ponedeljek, 7. marec 2016

Rum crescents (rumovi polmeseci)

Rumovi polmeseci so super sladica; narejeni so hitro, iz pekača jih dobimo veliko, so res rahli pa še malo alkohola imajo :P Pri nas doma smo jih včasih naredili večkrat, zadnjih nekaj let pa kar pozabili nanje. Ta vikend sem našla recept in jih tudi takoj naredila. Recept je super, saj so v njem same takšne sestavine, ki so nam vedno pri roki. 

Za testo potrebujemo: 
- 150g moke
- 120g sladkorja
- 150g masla
- 3 jajca
- 1 pecilni prašek
- 3 žlice kakava
- 3 žlice mleka

Jajca in sladkor penasto zmešamo z mešalnikom. Maslo stopimo in dodamo vsem drugim sestavinam ter na koncu še jajca s sladkorjem. Dobimo gosto zmes, ki jo nanesemo na pekač obložen s peki papirjem. Testo naj bo debelo nekje za en prst. Pečemo v ogreti pečici na 180 stopinj okoli 15 minut. Če je pečeno, preverimo z noževo konico na sredini testa. V kolikor je pečeno, ostane nož čist, drugače še malo počakamo. 

- 150g sladkorja v prahu
- 7 žlic ruma

Ko se testo dobro ohladi naredimo preliv iz sladkorja v prahu in ruma. Vse skupaj lepo porazdelimo po testu in počakamo, da se vpije ter strdi. Iz testa nato naredimo s pomočjo kozarca polmesece in jih serviramo. 

V soboto smo imeli praznovanje očetovega 60. rojstnega dne. S sestro sva bili kar pridni in naši sladki krožniki so izgledali nekako takole: 


Rum crescents are a great dessert; they´re quickly made, you become a lot of them, they are really slight and they have a little bit of alcohol :P We made them in the past so many times but now we forget them. This weekend I found the recipe and made them immediately. The recipe is great because its made from all those ingredients which are always by hand.

For the dough we need:
- 150g flour
- 120g of sugar
- 150g butter
- 3 eggs
- 1 baking powder
- 3 tablespoons cocoa
- 3 tablespoons milk

Mix eggs and sugar together with a mixer. Melt butter, add all ingredients together and in the end add eggs with the sugar. You become a thick mixture. Give the mixture on a baking tray with baking paper. The dough should be thick somewhere for a finger. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. If it´s baked check with a knife tip in the middle of the dough. If it´s baked, you have the knife clean, otherwise wait a little longer.

Sugar overflow:
- 150g powdered sugar
- 7 tablespoons rum

When the dough cool down make an overflow with powdered sugar and rum. Apply all over dough and wait to absorb and solidify. Make crescents from dough with a glass.

We celebrate on Saturday my father's 60s birthday. Me and my sister made some delicious things and our plates looked like the picture above. 


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