Kopalne kroglice so prava paša za oči in balzam za naše čute. Njihova uporaba je atraktivna tako za otroke kot za nas malo večje otroke. Kdo ne uživa v kopeli polni odišavljene in obarvane vode? Kopalne kroglice so idealna izbira za vse, ki ne marajo zelišč in ostalih netopnih stvari, ki plavajo po vodi, da naredijo sproščujoč efekt. V nadaljevanju vam bom predstavila, kako narediti kopalne kroglice, podobne takšnim, ki sem jih naredila včeraj na spodnji sliki (no jaz vsekakor obožujem zelišča in morajo biti tudi v kroglicah).
Kopalne kroglice so preproste za izdelavo, sestavine pa so lahko dostopne v vseh trgovinah. Za izdelavo 2 večjih (premera 7cm) in polovičko tretje potrebujete dve masi naslednjega (dve masi sem naredila zato, ker sem polovico obarvala polovico pa sem pustila nepobarvano):
- 96g sode bikarbone (skupno 192g)
- 48g mlete citronske kisline (skupno 96g)
- 24g koruznega škroba (skupno 48g)
-30g poljubnega olja (skupno 60g)

Pri kopalnih kroglicah lahko uporabimo še barve za živila, pigmente, mice in suho cvetje.
Pomembno je, da pri izdelavi nimamo nobenega stika z vodo. Posode, pripomočki in ostale sestavine morajo biti suhi. Če so sestavine vlažne jih damo sušiti v pečico na 50 stopinj za nekaj časa. Naredila sem dvojno maso , saj sem želela obe med sabo mešati, da dobim barvno prelivanje. Postopek je sledeč:
1. Stehtamo sodo bikarbono in koruzni škrob ter damo v posodo. Za eno maso 96g sode bikarbone in 24g koruznega škroba. Bodite pozorni, da uporabite koruzni škrob in ne koruzno moko.

2. Citronsko kislino zmeljemo z mlinčkom za kavo in dodamo masi. Pazimo, da zmletega prahu ne vdihavamo.

3. Če imamo suhe pigmente ali mico le-te dodamo v suhe sestavine in dobro zmešamo, da se enakomerno obarva.
4. Stehtamo olje in ga počasi dodajamo masi. V olje lahko dodate eterična olja in tekoče barve za živila. Maso dobro premešamo in olje dodamo postopoma po občutku. Masa je primerna takrat, ko jo enostavno oblikujemo v kepo, prav tako pa gre preprosto narazen, ko kepo stisnemo. Jaz sem masi dodala olivno olje.

5. Maso damo v kalupe ali pa jih oblikujemo samo z roko. Za izdelavo niso primerni silikonski kalupi, saj moramo maso dobro stisniti, pri čemer pa se lahko silikonski kalup usloči in tako ne dobimo želene oblike. Jaz uporabljam prozoren obesek za smreko, ki je narejen iz dveh delov. Tako dam v vsakega maso (jaz sem jo mešala z obema masama različnih barv, da se barve lepo prelivajo, lahko pa naredite samo enobarvno). Maso dobro potlačim in obe polovici stisnem skupaj. Lahko odstranimo takoj, ali pa pustimo stisnjeno skupaj.
6. Kroglico damo na papir, da se olja odtekajo nanj, medtem, ko se kroglice sušijo. Za sušenje rabijo kroglice približno en dan. Po enem dnevu postanejo trde in kompaktne.
7. Kroglice zavijemo v papir, da jih zaščitimo pred vlago, jih primerno dekoriramo in shranimo v suh prostor.
Kroglice z različnimi eteričnimi olji lahko uporabimo glede na namen uporabe. Jaz uporabim kroglice s sivko za relaksacijo, kroglice z evkaliptusom uporabim pri prehladu, prav tako kroglice z limono, kroglice s poprovo meto za nožne kopeli idr.
Ko damo kroglice v vodo so le-te resnična paša za oči. Pred nami se naredi pravi vulkan, ki lahko bo večji uporabi barv za seboj blago obarvano vodo.
Bath beads are a real eye catcher for eyes and a delight to our senses. Their use is attractive for children as for us older children too. Who does not enjoy full bath with scented and colored water? Bath beads are the perfect choice for those who dont like herbs and other insoluble things that float on the water to make a relaxing effect. In the following I will present how to make bath balls, similar to those which I made yesterday in the first picture (I definitely love herbs and they must be included).
Bath beads are easy to make and the ingredients are easily available in all stores. For 2 large beads and a half of the third you need two masses of following (I did two because I painted one mass and the other I left unpainted):
- 96g of baking soda (192g total)
- 48g ground citric acid (96g total)
- 24g corn starch (48g total)
- 30g of any oil (60g total)
We can use the colors for food, pigments, mica and dried flowers in the balls.
It is important not to have any contact with the water while you make the balls. Containers, tools and other ingredients must be dry. If the ingredients are wet dry them in an oven at 50 degrees for some time. I did a double weight because I wanted to mix both among themselves to get the color overflow. The procedure is as follows:
1. Weigh the baking soda and corn starch and place in a container. A weight of 96g baking soda and 24g of corn starch for one mass. Be sure to use corn starch and not the corn flour.
2. Grind the citric acid in the coffee grinder and add to the mass. Take care not to breathe the pouder.
3. If you have dry pigments or mica add to dry ingredients and mix well to color evenly.
4. Weigh the oil and slowly add him to the mass. You can add essential oils and liquid color for food to the basic oil. Mix it well and add the oil to your feeling. The mass is suitable when it is easy to shape into a ball and also simply to go apart when you squeeze it. I added olive oil to the mass as the basic oil.
5. Put the mass in a mold or form them only with your hands. Silicone molds are not suitable because we have to squeeze the mass well which can change sillicone and this doesnt give the desired shape. I use transparent pendant for spruce which is made of two parts. So I give in each the mass (I mix the masses of different colors to make a shedding but you can do with only one color). Squeeze the mass tightly and place two halves together. You can remove immediately or leave pressed together.
6. Place the ball on a paper to drain the oil until they are dry. To dry it they need about a day. After one day they become hard and compact.
7. Wrap the balls in paper to protect them from moisture, decorate them and save them in a dry place.
Beads with different essential oils can be used depending on the application. I use beads with lavender for relaxation, beads with eucalyptus for colds, also the balls with lemon, peppermint balls for foot baths,...
When you put the balls in the water they are a real eye catcher. In front of us they make a real volcano. Greater use of color can left behind mild colored water.
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