Pri izdelavi je ključno, da uporabimo tri sestavine:
- Poljubno maslo - Poljubno olje
- Čebelji vosek
Enostavne masažne ploščice se naredijo v razmerju 1:1:1.
Moje prve masažne ploščice so bile torej sestavljene iz kokosovega masla,
mandljevega olja in čebeljega voska. Dodala sem še vitamin E in eterično olje
sivke. Ploščica je bila odlična. Mazljivost je bila ravno prava, njen vonj pa ne
preveč močen.
V druge sem dodala kakavovo maslo, mandljevo olje, čebelji
vosek in vitamin E. Omenim naj, da je kakavovo maslo eno trših masel, tako da
lahko zmanjšamo procent masla in dodamo več olja. V to masažno ploščico nisem
dodala nobenega eteričnega olja, ker je njen vonj brez njega omamen. Torej za
vse ljubitelje čokolade bo ta ploščica ravno prava (problem lahko nastane samo
potem, ko bi ploščico raje pojedel kot nanesel na kožo :D).
V tretjih sem uporabila palmino in karitejevo maslo v
razmerju 50:50, dodala olivno olje, čebelji vosek in vitamin E. Karitejevo
maslo zelo rada uporabljam, ker ni tako zelo mastno kot katero drugo, hkrati pa
je najbolj nežen in tako priporočljiv za zelo občutljivo in suho kožo. V koži zadržuje velik delež vlage, pomaga pri
regeneraciji, deluje blago antibakterijsko in ima tudi majhen zaščitni faktor
(okoli 4-6). Palmovo olje oz. maslo ima
zelo dolgo obstojnost, tako da sem ga dodala zraven ravno zato. Po sestavi in
učinkovinah je zelo podoben kokosovemu olju. Za kožo je primeren ker jo vlaži, gladi
in preprečuje nastanek strij.
Sama izdelava masažnih ploščic je zelo enostavna. Pomembno
je, da imamo vse želene sestavine, primeren kalup za vlivanje, posodo za
segrevanje in to je to. Masla in olja zmešamo ter stopimo nad vodno kopeljo, po
želji dodamo eterična olja ter vlijemo v kalupe. Kalup damo na hladno in
pustimo da se strdi. Priporočam, da se za masažne ploščice uporabijo silikonski
kalupi, saj se ploščice, ko se strdijo, lažje odstranijo iz njih. Masažne
ploščice zavijemo v folijo, lahko jih primerno dekoriramo in damo na hladno.
Tisto ploščico, katero uporabljate imejte v kopalnici, da je vsak večer pri roki
(moje se do sedaj še niso stopile, ker je v kopalnici toplejše).
Masažne ploščice so primerne za potovanja, saj so zelo
male. So tudi zelo ekonomične in cenovno ugodne, saj jih imamo za dolgo časa.
Masažno ploščico lahko uporabimo tako, da jo segrejemo med rokami in nato
nanesemo stopljeno na kožo, lahko pa jo uporabljamo tako, da jo vlečemo po koži
v smeri proti srcu. Trenutno uporabljam masažno ploščico s karitejevim maslom
in palminim oljem na predelu nog in zadnjice, da pospešim cirkulacijo, kožo
navlažim in preprečim strije. Uporabljam jo tako, da ploščico masiram od tal
navzgor proti srcu. Uporabim jo vedno na mokri koži. Občutek po njih je super,
saj občutiš, kako kožo nahraniš. Minus točka je samo ta, da je koža po nanosu
malce mastna, kar pa mene drugače ne moti.
Sicer pa so masažne ploščice primerne tudi za zelo suhe
predele kot so komolci in pete na nogah. Njihova redna uporaba bo stanje zelo
izboljšala. Masažno ploščico uporablja tudi moj oče na petah in je zelo
Torej kot vidite dela ni veliko in lahko greste kar na
delo. :D
I didn’t use massage pads recently, I admit. Also,
I was not overly interested
in other products such as moisturizing and feeding
products for the body. I have a lot of products for the
body (butter, milks, oils)
but I was not interested to use them
every time after showering. Until the
day when I tried my homemade massage
pad. And I'm
just impressed. Their
usage is very simple, the lifetime is long and its very nutritious.
Another plus is
their production because they are very easy to do.
When we make massage pats is crucial to use three components:
- Random butter
- Random oil
- Beeswax
- Random butter
- Random oil
- Beeswax
Simple massage pad shall be made in
the ratio of 1: 1: 1. My first massage pads
were therefore made
of coconut butter, almond oil and beeswax. I added vitamin E
and essential oil of lavender. The pad was
excellent. The spreadability was
just right and her smell was not
too strong.
In other pads I added cocoa butter, almond
oil, beeswax and vitamin E. I
must mention that the cocoa
butter is one of the hardest
butters, so you can reduce the percentage of butter and
add more oil. In this massage pad I did’t add any
essential oil because they smell so much without adding some of them.
So for all chocolate
lovers will have the right pad
(the problem can appear if you would rather eat them than use
them for the skin J).
In the third pads I
use palm and shea
butter in percentage 50:50. Also I add olive oil, beeswax and
vitamin E. I like shea butter because it is not so oily than any other and it is the most gentle butter. It is recommended
for very sensitive and dry skin. In the skin
retains a large proportion of moisture, helps in regeneration,
works mild antibacterial
and it has a small sun protection
factor (4-6). Palm oil has a very
long stability so I added him for that reason. The structure and substance is very similar to coconut oil. For skin is suitable because
it moisturizes, smoothes and
prevents the formation of stretch marks.
The production of massage pads is very simple. It is important to have all of the desired ingredients, suitable casting
mold, the container for heating
and that's it. We mix butters and oils and melt them over water bath. We can add essential
oils and pour it into molds.
We place the mold on the cold to harden it. I recommend to make massage pads in
silicone molds for easily removing.
Wrap massage pad in
foil, decorate them if you want and put it in the cold. That pad,
which you use, keep
in the bathroom so you have them every
time at hand.
Massage pads are suitable for traveling because they are very small. They are also very economical and affordable because we have them for a long time. For usage we heat them during the hands to melt them and then apply to the skin or we use them direct on the skin for massage. Currently I use massage pad with shea butter and palm oil on the legs and buttock to accelerate blood circulation, skin moisturizing and to prevent stretch marks. I use it from the ground up towards the heart. I use it always on wet skin. Feeling after that is great, because you feel, how the skin is nourished . The only minus point is the greasy feeling but this is not a big problem for me.
Massage pads are suitable for very dry areas
such as elbows and
heels on feet. Their regular use can make great effect. My father also use massage
pads on the heels and he is very satisfied.
So as you can see
there is not much work with them and you can make them right now. J
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