Nutelino zvezdo sem prvič zasledila na Facebooku v skupini peke peciva. Slike uporabnic, ki so naredile zvezdo so bile božanske, tako, da so se mi cedile sline vsakič, ko sem videla kakšno novo sliko. Seveda sem morala narediti nutelino zvezdo tudi jaz.
Za testo potrebujete:
- 400g moke
- 1 jajce
- 50g stopljenega masla
- 1 vrečka suhega kvasa
- 1 kavna žlička soli
- 2 jušni žlici sladkorja
- 2 dl mlačnega mleka
1. Iz sestavin naredimo gladko testo, katerega mesimo toliko časa, da lepo odstopi od prstov. Pokrijemo ga s folijo in pustimo pol ure, da vzhaja.
2.Po tem času ga razdelimo na 4 dele in pričnemo z valjanjem prvega dela. Za model imamo okrogel plitev krožnik katerega damo na testo, okoli njega pa odrežemo odvečno testo. Testo razvaljamo na približno pol centimetra. Prvi del damo na peki papir in na pekač. Isto ponovimo z drugim testom (razvaljamo in oblikujemo krog). Prvi krog namažemo z Nutelo in nanj položimo previdno drugo plast. Isto naredimo še s 3. in 4. testom, s tem, da zadnjega ne mažemo.
3. Na sredino kroga damo kozarec in začnemo rezati krake navzven. Prvo razdelimo na enake četrtine, nato vsako četrtino na pol in potem še vsak del na pol. Dobimo enakih 16 delov.
4. Delamo po dva kraka skupaj tako, da ju vzamemo v roke in naredimo dvojni zasuk navzven. Zunanji del obeh krakov dobro stisnemo skupaj, da se zlepita in se med peko ne razideta. Tako naredimo še z ostalimi kraki, da dobimo 8 enakih krakov. Že pred peko izgleda zvezda fantastično.
Kot vidite zvezda ni tako težka za izdelavo. Lahko si pomagate tudi s kakšnim že pripravljenim testom, tako da je izdelava še lažja. Boste pa vsekakor dobili obilico pohval tako kot sem jaz. Priporočam, da jo pojeste, ko je še mlačna.
Pa dober tek :)
First time I found nutella star on Facebook in a baking group. Pictures of users who made the star were divine so I wished a bite of it every time I saw a new nutella-star-image. Of course I made nutella star too.
For the dough you will need:
- 400g flour
- 1 egg
- 50g melted butter
- 1 sachet dried yeast
- 1 small spoon salt
- 2 big spoonsugar
- 2 dl lukewarm milk
- 400g flour
- 1 egg
- 50g melted butter
- 1 sachet dried yeast
- 1 small spoon salt
- 2 big spoonsugar
- 2 dl lukewarm milk
1. From the ingredients make a smooth dough and knead him until it goes nice from the fingers. Cover it with foil and leave for half an hour to rise.
2. After this time divide it into 4 pieces and start rolling the first part. Use a round plate for a model which is placed on the dough around it and cut off the excess dough. Roll out the dough to about half a centimeter. Place the first part on the baking paper and both on baking dish. Repeat the same with the second dough (roll and form a circle). Apply nutella on the first round and place carefully the second layer. Do the same with the third and fourth dough. Let the last layer of dought without nutella.
3. At the center of the circle put a glass and start cutting outward. The first divided into equal quarters then each quarter in half and then each piece in half. We get the same 16 parts.
4. Give two parts together so you take every piece in hand and make a double twist outwards. The outer part squeeze tightly together to stick. Make the same with other peaces to create 8 same parts. Even before baking star looks fantastic.
5. Before you bake coat the star with an egg and place in the oven for 20 minutes on 180 degrees.
As you can see the star is not so difficult to make. You can also help yourself with some already prepared, dough, so it's even easier to make it. You definitely get a wave of praise as I am. I recommend that you eat when it is still lukewarm.
Bon appetit :)
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