četrtek, 5. februar 2015

Nutella biscuits (Nutelkoti)

Danes je Nutellin dan. Letošnje leto je že 9 leto zapored (več si lahko pogledate na http://www.nutelladay.com/). Odločila sem se, da ta dan posvetim tudi jaz Nutelli. Ponovno imam na voljo recept za ekspresno narejene kekse. Jaz sem se jih spravila narediti nekaj časa nazaj za večerjo (totalno nezdrav obrok vem ja :) ). Njihova prednost je v tem, da so res hitro narejeni, poleg tega pa so primerni za vse ljubitelje Nutelle. Za pekač keksov potrebuješ samo 3 sestavine:

- 180g Nutelle in nekaj Nutelle za brizganje
- 150g moke
- 1 jajce

V posodi zmešaš zgornje sestavine in jih oblikuješ v kroglice. Pekač obložiš s peki papirjem in nanj polagaš kroglice. Če se masa lepi na prste priporočam, da jih malo naoljiš (vendar je potrebno paziti, da ni preveč olja, saj potem kroglice niso lepo kompaktne). Na sredino naredimo s pomočjo ročaja kuhalnice luknjo. Tako testo potisnemo navzdol in dobimo lepo polno obliko. V luknje nabrizgamo Nutello in damo peči za 10 minut na 170 stopinj. Ko jih damo iz pečice so zelo mehki, tako da jih pustimo na pekaču, da se malo ohladijo. Potem pa napad na njih. Dober tek :)

Pred peko

Today is Nutella day. This year is the 9th anniversary (you can find more at http://www.nutelladay.com/). I decided to give a post about Nutella too. I have a recipe for quickly made Nutella biscuits. I made them some time ago for dinner (totally unhealthy meal I know :)). They are very quickly made and they are suitable for all Nutella fans. For baking this cookies you need only 3 ingredients:

- 180g Nutella and some Nutella for spray
- 150g flour
- 1 egg

Mix all the ingredients and make small balls. Put them on a baking dish. If the mass stick on your fingers give a little oil on the fingers (but make sure it is not too much oil because you cant make nice compact balls). In the middle of ball make a small hole with the handle of spoon. This press the dough down and give a full shape. Spray the Nutella in the holes and place the baking dish in the oven for 10 minutes at 170 degrees. When you give them out from the oven they are very soft so left them on the baking dish a little while to be a little cooled. Then you can attack them. Bon appetit :)

2 komentarja:

  1. Yum these actually sound delicious. Thanks for sharing this recipe.


    1. Thank you Simon. Yes, they are sooooo delicious and what´s the most important thing: so easy to do :)

      Have a great evening *Vesna
