ponedeljek, 31. avgust 2015

AGRA Gornja Radgona 2015

Ko sem bila majhna smo šli s starši vsako leto na sejem Agra v Gornjo Radgono. Tega celodnevnega izleta sem se zelo veselila, saj sem tam šla na različne degustacije, oče pa je tisti čas gledal različne stroje. Zdaj že nekaj let nisem bila, ker pa so imeli razstavo zelišč sem seveda morala iti pogledati ravno to. Malo sem bila razočarana, saj sem pričakovala malo več na to temo. Sem pa vseeno videla nekaj zelišč, katerih še v živo nisem nikoli prej. 

Po sejmu sva s fantom še malo raziskovala okoliške kraje. Na internetu sva našla bližnji grad v Negovi, ki pa je bil ob najinem prihodu žal zaprt. Pod njim pa je bil moj najljubši del: zeliščni vrt. Nad njim sem bila veliko bolj navdušena kot na sejmu v Gornji Radgoni. Zeliščni vrt je možen z vodenim ogledom, zato sva si ga na hitro malo pogledala. Ugotovila pa sem, da imam skoraj vse rastline tudi sama doma (nad tem sem bila še posebej vesela). Za konec sva si ogledala še Negovsko jezero, nadaljevala proti Ptuju na večerjo in dneva je bilo čisto prehitro konec. 


Za izlete zelo rada pogledam tole stran. Tako sva s fantom tudi prišla do vseh teh zanimivih lokacij, za katere še nikoli prej nisem slišala. Tako, kam gremo na naslednji izlet? ;)


When I was young me and my parents went every year to the fair Agra in Gornja Radgona. I was very excited about this day trip because I went there to various tastings while my father has the time to watch different machines. Now after a few years I went again because there was an exhibition of herbs. I was a little disappointed because I expected a little more on this topic. But I still saw some herbs which I haven´t before.

After the fair we were a little exploring the surrounding places with my boyfriend. We found on the internet the castle in Negova near Gornja Radgona which was at our arrival already closed. Underneath was my favorite part: the herb garden. I was much more impressed about that one than on fair in Gornja Radgona. This herbal park is possible to look with a guide, so we made a quick little look. I found that I have almost all the plants at home (I was so happy about that). Next we visited Negova lake, continue towards Ptuj for a dinner and the day was quite too short.

I love the page http://kraji.eu/slo to find nice Slovenian trips,  so we can go to some places for which I've never heard of. So, where are we going to our next trip? ;)

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