ponedeljek, 24. avgust 2015

Slovenija, od kod lepote tvoje....

Ponosna sem, da živim v tako lepi deželi kot je Slovenija. Ko sem bila mala sem videla kar nekaj  znamenitosti, sedaj pa sem že na njih kar malce pozabila, zato sem v dveh dneh v tem tednu obiskala nekaj teh lepot: Menino, Logarsko dolino, Bled, Bohinj, Brezje, slap Rinka in Vintgar.

Prejšnjo nedeljo sva se s fantom odpravila na hiter izlet po moji službi. Šla sva do kampa Menina, ki je ob reki Savinji in v trenutku sem dobila idejo za dopust naslednje leto. Ker so mi ti kraji zelo všeč, sva se na hitro odpravila še do Logarske doline. Slabo vreme naju ni ustavilo; vseeno sva občudovala vse lepote narave in se ustavljala na vsake toliko, saj je bilo ob cesti kup naravnih lepot.

To soboto pa smo se z družino odpravili proti Gorenjski in tako preživeli še en lep dan. Sprva smo bili na Brezjah, Marijinem svetišču, kjer se verniki zahvalimo in poklonimo Mariji. Izlet smo nadaljevali sproti Slapu Savici, nad bohinjskim jezerom, kjer izvira Savica in se odteka v Bohinjsko jezero. Pri slapu Savica sem bila sedaj drugič, nekaj let nazaj sem bila pozimi in vsakokrat je bilo drugače. Lahko rečem, da me je sedaj v toplejših dneh bolj fasciniral. Pot smo nadaljevali nazaj proti dolini do Bohinjskega jezera. Tam smo si izposodili kanu, s katerim smo se malo vozili naokoli, nekateri od nas smo si malo namočili noge v jezeru, spet drugi pa so se ohladili kar celi. Ustavili smo se na Bledu, kjer smo šli na kosilo, sledil pa je moj najljubši del: Blejski Vintgar.

V Vintgar sem šla na končni izlet s šolo in sem bila takrat zelo fascinirana nad njim. Komaj sem čakala, da ga ponovno vidim. Leseni mostovi so narejeni direktno nad reko in poleg sten vzpetin. Zame najlepši del Vintgarja so slap na koncu poti in kristalno čiste brzice. Človek se lahko tukaj res umiri in uživa v vseh lepotah, ki jih narava nudi.

Za konec našega izleta pa smo si privoščili še slavno blejsko kremšnito s prelepim pogledom na blejsko jezero in grad ter uživali zvoke žive glasbe.

Sobotni izlet je bil res nekaj posebnega. Tako smo z družino preživeli po dolgem času skupen dan in v enem dnevu obiskali res veliko znamenitosti. Mislim ,da se veliko ljudi strinja z mano, ko rečem, da je Slovenija drobec vsega. Tako lahko na zelo majhnih razdaljah vidiš toliko lepot kot nikjer drugje. Upam, da sem s tem postom kateremu dala idejo za naslednji izlet ali počitnice ;)


I´m proud to live in such a beautiful country like Slovenia. When I was little I've seen quite a few sights, but now I forgot a lot of them how they look, so I visit some of these beauties: Menina, Logar valley, Bled, Bohinj, Brezje, Rinka waterfall and Vintar gorge.

Last Sunday we had with my boyfriend a quick trip after my work. We went to camp Menina, which is along the river Savinja and I have the idea for next years holiday. I really like these places so we went to the Logar Valley too. The weather was bad but it didn´t stop us; however, we admired the beauty of nature and we stopped at every beautiful place near the road to watch the beauties.

This Saturday we had a trip with the family to Gorenjska and also had another beautiful day. Firstly we were at Brezje, the shrine of St. Mary where the faithful thank and pay tribute to her. Next we went to waterfall Savica above the Bohinj lake where the Savica flows into that lake. I was here for the second time; a few years ago I was in winter and now it was a little different. I can say that I was more fascinated now in the warmer days. We continued our trip back to the valley to Lake Bohinj. We rented a canoe for driving a little around, some of us were soaked their feet in the lake, while others are cooled as whole. Next we stopped in Bled, where we went for lunch and then followed my favorite part: Bled Vintgar Gorge.

I went in the Vintgar gorge on a school trip a long time ago and I was very fascinated about that place. I could hardly wait to see it again. Wooden bridges are built directly over the river and next to hill walls. For me, the most beautiful part of vintgar is the waterfall at the end of the path and the crystal-clear rapids. You can really settle down here and enjoy all the beauty that nature offers.

Finally we enjoyed the famous Bled kremšnita with a beautiful view on the lake and the castle and with live music.

Saturday's trip was something special. Our family spend after a long time a day together and we visited in one day a lot of places. I think a lot of people agree with me when I say that Slovenia is a fragment of it all. You can see so much beautys like nowhere else at so small distance. I hope I gave you a great idea for your next trip or vacation here in Slovenia ;)

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