torek, 1. december 2015

Orehovi rogljički

Pa je december tukaj. Za nekatere mesec, ki ga čakajo celo leto, za druge mesec, katerega komaj čakajo, da bo konec. No jaz sem nekje na sredini. Ker delam v trgovskem centru bo ta mesec živa norišnica. Po drugi strani pa komaj čakam druženje z družino in skupnih večerov ob soju svečk. In seveda ob peki vseh mogočih keksov. Jaz sem se lotila peke že danes in sicer ene in edine orehove rogljičke. Ti keksi enostavno morajo biti decembra na mizi. 

Od sestavin potrebujemo:
- 190g moke 
- 70g orehov
- 60g sladkorja
- 1 beljak 
- 140g masla

Odmerimo vse sestavine razen masla in damo v skledo. Maslo naribamo in vse sestavine dobro zgnetemo, da dobimo enakomerno maso. Damo jo za kakšne 15 minut v hladilnik, medtem pa pripravimo pečico na 180 stopinj in pekač. Iz mase delamo majhne svaljke in jih upognemo na pekaču, da dobimo rogljičke. Pečemo približno 15 minut oz. toliko, da se lepo rjavkasto zapečejo. Na koncu jih posujemo s sladkorjem v prahu. Zraven pa sem še naredila orehe,za katere pa sem vma dala recept nekaj časa nazaj in sicer tule. Za katere pa se boste odločili vi? ;)


December is here. Some of you wait for this month the whole year but for others is this a month which can be over as quickly as possible. Well I'm somewhere in the middle. I work in a shopping center so this month will be a madness. On the other hand I can't wait to spend time with family and have evenings in candlelights. And of course in all sorts of baking cookies. Today I started with December baking and made the one and only walnut croissants. These cookies are a must on December table. 

From the ingredients we need:
- 190 g flour
- 70g walnuts
- 60 g of sugar
- 1 egg white
- 140g butter

Measure all ingredients except the butter and give in a bowl. Grate the butter and knead all the ingredients well to form an even mass. Give it for about 15 minutes in the fridge, meanwhile prepare oven to 180 degrees and a baking tray. Make small rolls from the mass and twist both end parts to become a croissants. Bake for about 15 minutes to become a nice brownish color. At the end sprinkle with powdered sugar.Today I made walnut cookies too; you can see the recipe here in one of my previous post. Which one do you like more? ;)

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