torek, 17. marec 2015

Desserts with forest fruits

V soboto sem dobila obisk prijateljev in kaj je bila moja prva misel? Kaj speči :) seveda mi ni bil noben problem sploh ker sem nekaj dni nazaj kupila nove modelčke za peko in jih je bilo potrebno preizkusiti. Na vrsto je prišel tudi eden izmed pekačev, ki sem ga dobila za darilo za rojstni dan. Uporabila sem moj univerzalen recept, katerega uporabljam za kar nekaj sladkih dobrot: za jabolčno pito, šarkelj in mafine ali kolačke. In kar je najboljše: ne rabiš nobene tehtnice, saj so vse sestavine merjene na žlico.

Za izdelavo potrebuješ:

- 9 žlic moke
- 9 žlic sladkorja
- 9 žlic olja
-1 vanilij sladkor
-1 pecilni prašek
-3 jajca
- 2 žlici mleka
- limonina lupinica

Ker je takšen biskvit malo pust sem zraven dodala zmiksane gozdne sadeže (lahko uporabiš tudi narezane na koščke). Vse sestavine dobro zmešaš med seboj in maso vliješ (ali pa si pomagaš z žlico) v modelčke ali pekač. Masa naj ne bo napolnjena do vrha modelčkov, saj med peko naraste. Pekače sem dala v pečico na 180 stopinj za približno 20 minut (če je testo pečeno preveriš z noževo konico: če je pečeno ostane nož čist, če še ni pa se na nožu pojavi tekoča masa). 

Gozdni sadeži so v telih biskvitkih super, saj jih naredijo bolj sočne prav tako pa so primerni za vse ljubitelje kiselkastih sladic, saj se v njih skoraj ne čuti nič sladkorja.


I got a visit from my friends on Saturday and what was my first thought? What to bake :) Of course this was not a problem for me because I bought a few days ago a new mold for baking. For my birthday I also received a mold so it was the best moment for use him. I have an universal recipe for some sweet desserts: for apple pie, cake and muffins or biscuits. And the best of all: you donꞌt need a scale because you can measure all ingredients with a spoon.

You will need:

-9 spoons of  flour
-9 spoons of sugar
-9 spoons oil
-1 vanilla sugar
-1 baking powder
-3 eggs
-2 spoons milk
-lemon zest

With this ingredients I think the dessert is a little empty so I added blended berries (you can also cut them into pieces). Mix all the ingredients to a good mass and pour it (or get help with a spoon) into molds or baking dish. Take care not to fill molds to the top because the mass rises during baking. I put the mold in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes (check with a knife tip if the dough is baked: if the knife stays clean it is baked otherwise on the knife appears liquid mass).

Forest fruits are in this dessert great because they make them more juicy and they are suitable for all lovers of lightly sour sweets because you don´t feel a lot of sugar in it.

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