nedelja, 5. julij 2015

Frozen yogurt

Poletje je na vrhuncu in vse, kar lahko v teh dneh naredimo je prestavljanje iz ene sence v drugo. Vse ostalo odpade :) Zraven pa si moramo obvezno privoščiti nekaj hladnega za osvežitev. Jaz sem te dni uživala svoj domači borovničev sladoled in tele ledene jogurtove posodice, ki definitivno pritegnejo s svojim videzom. Seveda z njimi ni veliko dela so pa toliko bolj osvežilne. Vse kar potrebujemo je grški jogurt in sadje.

Uporabila sem silikonske modelčke za mafine, da so se lepo oblikovale. Posodice so v redu, če se dodata samo ti dve sestavini, jaz pa sem dodala še sladko smetano. Smetano sem zmešala, dodala žlico sladkorja in nato grški jogurt. V modelčke sem nabrizgala maso in na vrh dala sadje. Sadje je lahko poljubno, jaz sem dodala jagode. Dala sem v skrinjo in jih imela naslednji dan pripravljene za po kosilu.Nekaj sem jih naredila v posodice, nekaj pa  v modelčke za mafine. Kateri so vam lepši?

Summer is on the top and everything you can do in these days is to move from one shadow to another. Everything else falls :) We must also afford some cold refreshment. These days I enjoy my homemade ice cream and frozen yogurt with fruit, which definitely attracted by its appearance. Of course, it´s not a lot of work for them and they are really refreshing. All you need is a greek yogurt and fruit.
I used silicone molds for muffins for a nice shape. The dessert is okay if you add just these two ingredients, but I added one more; cream. I mixed cream, added a tablespoon of sugar, and in the and greek yogurt. I give the mass in the mold and add strawberries on the top. You can give any sort of fruit. I put in the ark and next day they are ready. I've made isome of them n the cup and some in the molds for muffins. Which are better?

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