torek, 28. april 2015

Cream cake (Kremšnita)

Izdelava kremnih rezin se mi je zdela vedno kar težka, zato sem se jih vedno zelo izogibala. Ko sem dobila tele posodice pa sem rekla da je potrebno počasi poskusiti tudi to. Delala sem jih v soboto, saj sem vedela, da se bodo vse pojedle še isti dan (nesla sem jih k fantu domov, doma smo dobili obiske,...). Ker je receptov na internetu res veliko sem za nasvet vprašala mamo. Predlagala mi je svoj recept iz njenega učbenika iz srednje šole na gostinski šoli. Ta knjiga je iz leta 1974 in je res super. Prikazuje čisto osnovne recepte pa do malo težjih. No recept je že pristal v mojem zvezku z recepti, saj je res super. 

Za kremo potrebujemo:
- 3 jajca
- 250g sladkorja
- 2 paketa vanilij pudinga
- 70g ostre moke
- 1 žlica ruma
- vanilijev sladkor
- 1l mleka

Ker sem delala kremšnite v kozarcu sem drugače razrezala listnato testo. Kupila sem listnato testo v roli in ga narezala na trikotnike. Pekla sem jih na 200 stopinj dokler se niso lepo rjavo obarvali. 

Med peko sem naredila kremo. Ločimo rumenjake od beljakov. Rumenjake in tretjino sladkorja penasto vmešamo. Dodamo vrečki pudinga, 1dl mrzega mleka in ostro moko. Zmešamo in dodamo še vanilij sladkor. Ostalo mleko zavremo in dodamo vso maso. Na zmernem ognju kuhamo in dobro mešamo, da se ne prismodi. Mešamo toliko časa, da se masa lepo strdi. Pred tem si pripravimo sneg iz beljakov, kamor smo dali še preostanek sladkorja. K strjeni masi dodamo še sneg in dobro zmešamo. Pri vlivanju v kozarčke sem si pomagala z zajemalko in lepo razporedila kremo v lončke (na koncu sem imela 14 kozarčkov). Kozarčke postavimo na hladno, da se krema ohladi. Medtem stepemo sladko smetano in ji proti koncu dodamo kremfix za bolj trdo sladko smetano. Košček listnatega testa zataknemo v kremo in na vrhu dodamo sladko smetano. Posujemo s kakavom ali mrvicami in sladica je končana. 

Izdelava je res enostavna in hitra. Moji strahovi so bili popolnoma odveč, saj so mi uspele tako kot je treba. Če bi vesela, da so tako enostavne bi se jih že zdavnaj lotila ;)


I always thought that the making of cream cake is really heavy so I never made it before. Til the day when I become plastic containers for desserts. I've made them on Saturday because I knew that they will be eaten on the same day (I took them to the boyfriends home, we got home visits,...). I found so many recipes on the internet so I asked my mother for advice. She suggested me her recipe from her high school book. This book is from 1974 and it´s really great. It shows quite basic recipes until a little heavier. This recipe landed in my notebook of recipes because it is really great.

For cream you need:
- 3 eggs
- 250g sugar
- 2 package vanilla puding
- 70g flour
- 1 tablespoon rum
- vanilla sugar
- 1 liter of milk

Because I made cream cake in a jar I used a different technique for puff pastry. I bought puff pastry in roll and cut him into triangles. I baked them at 200 degrees until they colored nicely brown.

I made cream during baking. Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix yolks and a third of sugar. Add pudding bags, 1dl cold milk and fine flour. Mix and add the vanilla sugar. Boil other milk and add all the mass. Cook on low heat and stir well. Stir the mixture until the mass is solidified. Before that I prepared egg whites where I gave the rest of sugar. Add the egg snow to solidified mass and mix well. When pouring the cups I helped myself with a ladle (in the end I had 14 cups). Place cups on a cold to cool. Meanwhile mix the sweet cream and add cremfix to harder cream. Give a piece of puff pastry into the cream and add the sweet cream on the top. Sprinkle with cocoa or sprinkles and the dessert is finished.

The making is really simple and fast. My fears were completely unnecessary because I made them just the way they should be. If I knew before that they are so easy to do I would made them earlier ;)

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