sreda, 16. marec 2016

Kinder croissants (rogljički s Kinder čokoladicami)

Kinder čokolado obožujem že od malega. Vse od Kinder jajčk, do moje najljubše sladkarije Kinder Bueno. Kinder čokoladice pa si že kar nekaj časa nisem kupila. Še dobro, da obstaja poplava kuharskih receptov, kjer najdem tudi simpatičen recept za tele rogljičke. In tako kupim Kinder čokoladice, ker jih moram, saj so ena izmed glavnih sestavin. Nekaj jih pojem, nekaj pa uporabim za recept :P

Kar mi je najbolj všeč pri tem receptu je to, da rabimo samo 3 sestavine:
- male Kinder čokolade
- listnato testo (jaz ga kupim v Lidlu)
- jajce

Listnato testo razpremo in ga narežemo na enake trikotnike. Iz enega testa sem dobila 6 rogljičkov. Na vsak večji konec naložimo čokolado in zavijemo testo v rogljiček. Pozorni bodite le na oba konca, da jih lepo zapremo z vilico, da ne bi med pečenjem čokolada uhajala ven. Jajčko razžvrkljamo, premažemo rogljičke in pečemo na 180 stopinj nekje 20-30 minut (da se lepo rjavo obarvajo).

Najboljši so seveda sveže pečeni :) Ker pa je to listnato testo vsestransko lahko rogljičke polnite s čimer vam srce poželi- z nutelo, koščki čokolade, sadjem, skuto, mletim mesom,...torej 1000 in 1 način priprave, okus pa je vedno božanski ;)


I love Kinder chocolate from my childhood. All from Kinder eggs to my favorite candy Kinder Bueno. It has been a long time from my last buy of Kinder chocolates. It's good that there is a flood of recipes where I find a delightful recipe for these croissants. So I bought Kinder chocolates, because they are one of the main ingredients. I ate some of them and the other ones used them for the recipe: P

What I like the most about this recipe is that we only need three ingredients:
- small Kinder chocolates
- puff pastry (I buy him in Lidl)
- egg

Open puff pastry and cut it into equal triangles. You get 6 croissants from one package of puff pastry. Give the chocolate on the wider part and turn the dough into croissant. Pay attention on two ends to close them good with a fork to avoid outflow of chocolate during baking. Brush croissants with egg and bake at 180 degrees somewhere 20-30 minutes (to become nice brown color).

The best, of course, are freshly baked :) You can make this puff pastry croissants with everything you want- with Nutela, pieces of chocolate, fruit, cottage cheese, minced meat ... so 1000 and 1 method of preparation and the taste is always divine ;)

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