nedelja, 13. marec 2016

Venezia (Benetke)

Včeraj sem bila KOOOONČNO v Benetkah. To željo sem imela že kar nekaj let in jo zdaj končno uresničila. S prijateljico smo se tako včeraj v jutranjih urah odpravili preko agencije na ogled Benetk in otokov Murano ter Burano. Vsekakor vredno svojega denarja. Predvsem otok Burano mi je bil daleč najlepši. 

V soboto ponoči smo se iz Celja odpravili z agencijo v Benetke. Vožnja se mi je zdela kar hitra, čeprav je bilo kar nekaj postankov. Zjutraj smo prispeli do Punte Sabbioni, kjer smo se z ladjico odpravili do Benetk. Vreme smo imeli kot naročeno- sončno in toplo. Naša vodička je bila res super. Z njo smo preživeli urco in pol in si ogledali veliko beneških znamenitosti- Trg svetega Marka, most vzdihljajev, predstavila nam je Doževo palačo, številne cerkve, beneško tržnico, park in še in še. No na kavo v samem centru s prijateljico nisva šle- cene se gibljejo tudi do 20€ za eno. Sva si pa ogledali številne trgovine, ter ostale znamenitosti in naredili ogromno čudovitih slik. 

Na voljo smo imeli tudi ogled otokov Murano in Burano. Glede na to, da sem bila v Benetkah sem si rekla, da hočem videti tudi to. In moram priznati, da mi je Burano veliko bolj všeč kot Benetke :) Prvo smo se z ladjico odpravili do otoka Murano, kjer smo si ogledali delavnico stekla. Gospod nam je pokazal, kako narediti vazo in pa steklenega konja. Konj je bil res nekaj posebnega. Najbolj zanimivo pa je bilo, da ga je naredil 123. Ogledali smo si še trgovino in si lahko tudi kaj kupili. Nakit iz stekla je res božanski in kako se to sveti. :)
Potem pa je sledil najlepši del. Ogled Burana. Burano je prav tako otok znan po raznobarvnih stavbah. Tukaj bi lahko ostala še veliko dlje časa, kot smo ga imeli na razpolago. Naj kar slike govorijo, kako lepo je ;)

Izlet je bil res super. S prijateljico sva šli s turistično agencijo goHolidays in vsekakor priporočam :)

Yesterday I was finally in Venice. I had this wish for many years and now I finally realized it. I went with my very good friend with an agency to visit Venice, the island of Murano and Burano. Definitely worth all the money. The Burano island was my nr. 1.
We went on Saturday night with the agency from Celje to Venice. Our drive was very fast although we had a few stops. In the morning we arrived at Punta Sabbioni, where we went by boat to Venice. We had so great weather- sunny and warm. Our guide was really great. We spent one and a half hour with her and saw a lot of Venetian antiquities- St. Mark's Square, Bridge of Sighs, Doge's Palace, numerous churches, Venetian marketplace, park and much more. We didn´t drink any coffee in the center- the prices can be up to 20€ for one. We visited a lot of shops and other attractions and made many beautiful pictures.
Next destination of our trip were the islands of Murano and Burano. I thought that if I´m in Venice I can go to those places to if I am already here. And I must say that I almost prefer Burano more as Venice :) First we went by boat to the island of Murano, where we visited glass workshop. The worker showed us how to make a vase and a glass horse. The horse was really something special. The most interesting thing was that he made him 123. We went in their shop where we could bought beautiful things from glass. Especially the jewelry from glass was for me something special.
Then followed for me the best part-Burano island. Burano island is known for its colorful buildings. I could stay there much longer than we had time. Let the pictures speak for you, how beautiful it is ;)

The trip was really great. Me and my friend went with the travel agency goHolidays and we definitely recommend it :)

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